Archive for May, 2012

Power of Teachers

Filed in National by on May 5, 2012 9 Comments

The National Education Association, in celebration of National Teacher Day and National Teacher Appreciation Week, is asking Americans to recall at least one great teacher they’ve had. I’ve been lucky in my life to have had several and currently my son in the Brandywine School District has had many as well.

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Chart of the Day

Filed in National by on May 5, 2012 8 Comments
Chart of the Day

Obama and jobs.

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Grenell Wasn’t Romney’s First

Filed in National by on May 5, 2012 4 Comments
Grenell Wasn’t Romney’s First

As Liberal Elite pointed out, Mitt Romney likes to fire people. As Mother Jones reports, when Romney was governor he fired Ardith Wieworka, head of the state’s Office of Child Care Services. The reason? Wieworka concluded it was her marriage to another woman.

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Derby Day

Filed in Sports by on May 5, 2012 3 Comments
Derby Day

As many in the Brandywine River Valley get ready to celebrate Point to Point on Sunday, the nation, no, the world will be focusing on the small city of Lexington Lousiville for the Kentucky Derby.

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Arizona Continues Its War on Women

Filed in National by on May 5, 2012 0 Comments
Arizona Continues Its War on Women

Arizona continues to push its way into the Deep South with Gov. Jan Brewer recently signing two bills. The first outlaws abortions after 20 weeks and the second “that bans the state or any local government from using public money to contract with an organization that includes abortions in its services.”

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.5.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 5, 2012 4 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.5.12]

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Late Night Video: May the Force Be With You

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 4, 2012 0 Comments
Late Night Video: May the Force Be With You

May the fourth be with you.

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Allen West Brings The Crazy . . . Again

Filed in National by on May 4, 2012 0 Comments

Using Facebook, Allen West accuses President Obama of  “destroying the black community”.

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Is Mitt Romney a Wimp?

Filed in National by on May 4, 2012 5 Comments

Mitt Romney lukewarmly backed Richard Grenell today on Fox News. Could this “backing” be any more tepid?

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Pastor D Disqualified From Mayor’s Race

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 4, 2012 45 Comments
Pastor D Disqualified From Mayor’s Race

Reporting by the NJ this afternoon — the NCCo Department of Elections has made its ruling that Pastor D is not a qualified candidate for Mayor of Wilmington.

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Republican Intransigence Caused by Income Inequality

Filed in National by on May 4, 2012 0 Comments

If you haven’t read Paul Krugman’s column today, why not? I really don’t think I need to remind you do so.

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Showdown at the Leg Hall Corral

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 4, 2012 16 Comments

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy. Figuratively speaking, mind you.

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Delaware Is Just Too Much Fun

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 4, 2012 1 Comment
Delaware Is Just Too Much Fun

Courtesy of The Onion.

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