Archive for May, 2012

Friday Daily Delawhere [5.4.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 4, 2012 3 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [5.4.12]

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Over 4 Million Views

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 7 Comments

Wow. Congratulations to all our readers, new and old; to all our commentators, left and right; and to all our editors, past and present. Over four millions views. It’s probably a lot more than that actually, but we’ve only been counting since 2008. And special thanks goes to Christine O’Donnell who brought in more views […]

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Rmoney’s Leadership Skillz

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 3 Comments
Rmoney’s Leadership Skillz

Gawker has a wonderful post that examines Mitt Romney’s leadership skills in the face of the Grenell resignation. You know, the leadership skills that Romney always says he has, yeah, those he didn’t display this week.

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USA is Number 1

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 11 Comments
USA is Number 1

. . . in health care costs.

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Taking Time Out From Damaging Their Environment to Dis Delaware And Our Governor

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 9 Comments
Taking Time Out From Damaging Their Environment to Dis Delaware And Our Governor

This is from Pennsylvania, whose governing agenda now includes environmental destruction, undermining their schools, disenfranchising voters, transvaginal ultrasounds for women and whatever else they can do undermine their citizens. This week, though, one of them spent part of a meeting running his mouth, showing parts of their real agenda. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Secretary, Michael Krancer, made some remarks the other day that took a jab at Governor Markell and a really big jab at Delaware:

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Book Review: Politico’s Playbook 2012

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on May 3, 2012 0 Comments
Book Review: Politico’s Playbook 2012

I just finished reading both of Politico’s Playbook 2012 books, The Right Fights Back and Inside The Circus.

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Bachmann Endorses Romney

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 4 Comments
Bachmann Endorses Romney

In what can only be construed as the most tepid of endorsements, Michelle Bachmann tweeted her endorsement of Mitt Romney.

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What Al Qaeda Thought Of Biden

Filed in International by on May 3, 2012 16 Comments

The Combating Terrorism Center released 17 documents taken from Bin Laden’s compound a year ago in Abbottabad.

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Thursday Open Thread [5.3.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 3, 2012 1 Comment

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Deregulating Pit Bulls

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 19 Comments
Deregulating Pit Bulls

The City of Wilmington instituted a set of laws aimed at regulating the burgeoning and sometimes dangerous pit bull breed. I don’t remember the exact circumstances, but these regulations were instituted after a couple of serious attacks on people and kids by these dogs in the city.

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National Day of Reason

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 4 Comments

Today’s news will be filled with events commemorating the National Day of Prayer, but I wonder how many of us know about the National Day of Reason?

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Time to Pay the Piper

Filed in National by on May 3, 2012 2 Comments

Scene: you have a disabled family member whose care you’ve given to the DC government. The DC government places your loved one in a group home and forgets about him. The group home operator ignores serious medical issues and your loved one dies. You sue the DC government and the group home operator and win. […]

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The Saga of Political Dissidents

Filed in International by on May 3, 2012 20 Comments

We haven’t written at all about the escape of Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng, his rescue, his return and, now, change of heart, but I have a simple question for you all. If the roles were reversed, would the US goverment stand for China helping/interfering with US political dissident Bradley Manning?

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