Archive for May, 2012

The Etymology of Forward

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 2 Comments
The Etymology of Forward

I thought Lou Dobbs was dead. He’s not. Worse yet, he has a blackboard and he’s going give us some learning.

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Can the GOP Swift Boat Obama?

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 4 Comments

The Atlantic is reporting that the swift boating of Obama has begun with a new SEAL video.

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NOT Breaking: Gingrich Ends Campaign

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 3 Comments

In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

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Updated: More Drama In School Board Elections

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 2, 2012 23 Comments

Can we just skip all this and move these elections to November?  Pretty please?

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Republicans Hate Grandmothers

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 5 Comments

Viviette Applewhite will not be allowed to vote in the 2012 election due to a Pennsylvania law requiring photo id’s to vote. Voting since 1960, Applewhite does not drive and had her purse stolen. Apparently state officials cannot locate her birth certificate, after all she is 93 years old.

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Rubio Will Inevitably Abandon Friend

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 3 Comments

Senator Marco Rubio (R – Florida), one of the top contenders for Vice President on the losing Republican presidential ticket, is sticking by David Rivera, the Christine O’Donnell of Florida.

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Wednesday Open Thread [5.2.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 2, 2012 16 Comments

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Measles Outbreak in UK

Filed in Science and Health by on May 2, 2012 3 Comments
Measles Outbreak in UK

In the Liverpool area of England, there has been an outbreak of measles with more than 200 cases reported. Those in the US who have chosen not to vaccinate their children and put them at risk should be worried.

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DEA Detains Student, Forgets About Him For 5 Days

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 4 Comments
DEA Detains Student, Forgets About Him For 5 Days

Words fail almost as much as the DEA failed when they detained a college student, placed him in a holding cell, and then forgot about him for five days with out food or water.

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Polling and Electoral Map Update [5.2.12]

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 0 Comments
Polling and Electoral Map Update [5.2.12]

In some polls, President Obama’s approval averages are above 50%, but in Gallup (which has been more bearish on Obama but not as bad as Rasmussen), his average has just reached 47%. This is an improvement over his term low of 41% reached during the debt ceiling hostage crisis last summer. The reason for the improvement is that the Independents have come home. Meanwhile, we move Virginia into lean Obama territory on our electoral map, while North Carolina moves into too close to call territory.

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US Workers are Hugely Productive

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 17 Comments
US Workers are Hugely Productive

US workers are hugely productive and aren’t getting paid for it.

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Suck It, GOP

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 9 Comments
Suck It, GOP

National Security is Obama’s. Romney is the Dukakis or Kerry of this election.

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Payday Loans Bill Passes State House

Filed in National by on May 2, 2012 7 Comments
Payday Loans Bill Passes State House

HB 289, limiting citizens to a max of 5 payday loans of $1000 in a 12-month period, passed the Delaware State House on a vote of 26-7.

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