Archive for May, 2012

The Al Mascitti Show Open Thread

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2012 4 Comments

Our own El Somnambulo will be live on the Al Mascitti Show this morning at 10 on 1150 AM, WDEL. Use this thread to talk about what they talk about.

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Good News.

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2012 2 Comments

In case you were wondering where El Som’s Pre-game / Post-game posts are this week, well, they will not be appearing as the General Assembly is on a two week recess while the Joint Finance Committee meets to mark up the budget. And on that front, the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC) announced yesterday that the state’s revenues are much more than expected.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [5.22.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2012 6 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [5.22.12]

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Back to the Tracking Poll

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2012 5 Comments

Starting today, we will once again be doing our tracking poll, a completely unscientific and non-random sampling of our readers who voluntarily chose to vote in the online poll. So with all those caveats, the poll will be simply for entertainment purposes only, or, if you will, informative only as to who DL readers will be voting for.

Unlike our prior tracking where we asked only about your opinions on one candidate at a time, this time, and continuining on until the primary and general elections, we will be asking about one office at a time. Yes, horse racing time is here. We will start off with the County Executive Democratic Primary Race

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Christine O’Donnell Got Hauled into Court Today.

Filed in National by on May 21, 2012 6 Comments

Christine O’Donnell is in a Delaware courtroom today for a civil suit involving an alleged debt that she and/or her campaign owes Attorney Jonathan Moseley, a former supporter and campaign worker of hers, who used to comment here quite regularly. O’Donnell, who will testify along with her treasurer and ex-campaign manager Matt Moran, calls Moseley’s efforts “rogue by a needy person who wants to feel relevant.”

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Pants Pissing People Prefer Pricey Police Powers

Filed in Delaware by on May 21, 2012 85 Comments

That’s what this front pager in the NJ boils down to. There are some old farts in Sussex County who are just FREAKING OUT about all the crime and home invasions and loud neighbors and rap music and get offa my lawn!!!! So much so, that Jeff Christopher should get $1 million dollars to make like the Dark Knight on all the miscreants.

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From the “Be Careful What You Wish For” File: Tom Gordon Files

Filed in National by on May 21, 2012 117 Comments

When the year began, we were all hoping for one credible candidate to take out New Castle County Executive Paul Clark in the Democratic primary. We had two not well known and definitely underfunded candidates file, and then had one drop out, leaving Bill Shahan as Clark’s opposition. Bill is a nice guy, and a good Democrat, but he has not been blowing the doors off this race so far.

So guess who sensed an opportunity. Convicted criminal Tom Gordon, whose last stint at County Executive ended up in a corruption trial and a conviction. After weeks of rumors and one obvious poll, Tom Gordon has filed candidacy papers with the Department of Elections today.

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Alternate Filibuster Universe, Part II

Filed in National by on May 21, 2012 5 Comments

Looks like my friend Booman saw the same Josh Green column that I did, and he concludes that the alternate universe would be even rosier than Josh Green predicts.

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on May 21, 2012 14 Comments

Should religious organizations that produce “religious” materials preaching about the role of government lose their tax-exempt status?

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An Alternative Universe without the Filibuster

Filed in Delaware, National by on May 21, 2012 8 Comments

Two months ago, former Senator Ted Kaufman spoke to the monthly meeting of the Progressives Democrats for Delaware, one of the things he said that took me by surprise was his opposition to filibuster reform. Kaufman viewed the filibuster as an indispensable part of the check and balances of our government, and while he agreed that the Republicans have abused it, he would hate to see what a Republican President, a Republican House and a Republican Senate would do if minority Democrats had no power to stop legislation. But Kaufman was almost acting as if it were a fait accompli that the filibuster was going the way of the dinosaur, because he quaranteed that the Republicans, whenever they regain control of the Senate, would immediately do away with it, especially if they have a Republican President and House to work with.

So what would the last four years look like without the filibuster?

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Monday Open Thread [5.21.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 21, 2012 13 Comments

Is it me, or was this weekend a particularly boring weekend politically? I have been going through all the RSS feeds of all the blogs and news sites I read in my Google Reader and there really is nothing notable. Pelosi and Boehner traded jabs on the Sunday morning shows, sure. But that is nothing new. I can’t even get excited about the Cory Booker boomlet. Suffice to say his days as a Obama campaign surrogate, and as a progressive Democrat, are over. He is just another of those DLC-third wayers who is cozing up to Wall Street to further his political ambitions.

Hey Cory, Harold Ford already exists. Stop trying to be him.

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Obama to Withdraw all U.S. Troops from Afghanistan by 2013?

Filed in International, National by on May 21, 2012 0 Comments

Or so says Mark Thompson at Time Magazine, reporting that the President’s goal at the NATO summit in Chicago over the last 2 days was to “wrap up U.S. troops’ combat role over the coming year, and get the allies to pay more money to enable the Afghan military to fill the gap.”

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Polling Report [5.21.12]

Filed in National by on May 21, 2012 4 Comments
Polling Report [5.21.12]

Tennessee? Really? Tennessee? A new Vanderbilt University poll shows President Obama has pulled into a virtual tie with Mitt Romney in traditionally conservative Tennessee.

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