Archive for May, 2012

Keith Spanarelli to Primary Sen. Carper. Who?

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2012 5 Comments

I used The Google to find out that he appears to be a fan of Top Gun, at least according to what appears to be his Facebook page. Then I found his campaign page. Right now it is just a place holder with a donate button.

I am disappointed that I am not writing about our very own Jason right now. I mean, if a “Some Dude” is going to be the only Democratic challenger to Senator Carper, then I would rather it be Jason. Alas, since it is Kevin Spanarelli, I will endeavor to find out more about it.

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White Privilege Explained To Gamers

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 6 Comments

In the role playing game known as The Real World, “Straight White Male” is the lowest difficulty setting there is.

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Wednesday Open Thread [5.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 16, 2012 1 Comment

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No, Governor, We Will Not.

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2012 7 Comments

I am sorry, but JPMorgan Chase and the entire financial sector deserves every single ounce of derision and scrutiny they get. They have paid no price for their wrongdoing, and like any dog or insolent child, they are repeating their wrongdoing again as a result. And like any “new age” parent, Governor Markell would prefer us all to take a time out and talk nicely to child, rather than yelling at him and punishing him.

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Polling Report [5.16.12]

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 13 Comments
Polling Report [5.16.12]

We have a mother load of polls to go through today, mostly because I was away from a computer all day yesterday. But before we get to the polls, let me first thank our beloved fire and mouth breathing teabaggers, for making yet another Senate seat now extremely competitive. Nebraska, like Indiana, was supposed to be won easily by the GOP this fall. Indeed, Nebraska was going to be an all important pick up seat, allowing the GOP to possibly take control of the chamber, as incumbent Democratic Senator Ben Nelson was finally retiring.

Alas… the establishment far right candidates for the race were not far right and evil enough for the teabaggers.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 16, 2012

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 17 Comments

If today’s column was science fiction, it’d be called “Invasion of the Home Invasion Bills”. Oh, no! There are two of them, accosting every legislator in their path! Cut to the finish: Turns out both bills are harmless and toothless, so no Solomoronic solons were injured in the creation of this legislative fever dream.

Both bills soon to be available to you at no cost in the guise of political brochures.

SB 161 and HB 277 both passed the Senate yesterday. Since a Senate amendment was added to HB 277, both bills head to the House. Both bills create the ‘new crime’ of home invasion. Both bills are merely political window dressing, as there are already about 150 offenses that would put home invaders away for a long, long time. Did I mention that this is an election year?

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“No Shit Sherlock” Judgement Against Sussex County Council’s Prayer Pracice

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 24 Comments

The Sussex County Council is its own worst enemy. Here is the table of contents from the plaintiff’s argument.

I. The Sussex County Council’s practice of reciting the Lord’s Prayer before Council
meetings is plainly unconstitutional

A. The Lord’s Prayer is a distinctively Christian prayer
B. Sectarian legislative prayers are unconstitutional
C. Even under a more permissive minority view that allows individual sectarian
prayers in some circumstances, the Council’s prayer practice
unconstitutionally affiliates the Council with one particular religion
D. The Council’s prayer practice also violates the Delaware Constitution

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The Bane that Bain Was

Filed in National by on May 16, 2012 12 Comments

Vice President Biden today will be reminding voters of the carnage Bain left and of Mitt Romney’s ineffective business leadership.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [5.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on May 16, 2012 1 Comment
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [5.16.12]

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Tuesday Open Thread [5.15.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 15, 2012 3 Comments

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DBSR membership and other info

Filed in National by on May 15, 2012 0 Comments

I’ve taken some inquiries on membership info for “Delaware Businesses for Social Responsibility,” a business advocacy group dedicated to the proposition that business advocacy groups should advocate for more than tax cuts. Hit the jump for the details.

If you are interested in joining in time to get the member rate for the ASBC business summit in Washington this June, let me know. Also, there will be a DBSR steering committee within the next two weeks. If you want to be involved with that email me at the email address located at the bottom of this post.

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JPMorgan Oops

Filed in National by on May 15, 2012 31 Comments
JPMorgan Oops

If you can grasp what happened in the London Office of JPMorgan Chase, then you probably could become the next CEO of the bank as it seems the current CEO Jamie Dimon had no clue.

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Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Filed in International by on May 15, 2012 7 Comments
Palestinians Turn To Hunger Strikes

Most Americans over the age of 40 have probably know of Bobby Sands. However, it is safe to say, that most Americans have know idea who Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahleh are.

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