The Polling Report [6.5.12]

Filed in National by on June 5, 2012

Today is the day in Wisconsin. The race is tight, so turnout will matter. Here is hoping the Democrats’ ground game is pulls them over the top. Depending on the poll, you have either a tied race, a small and surmountable Walker lead, or a large and insurmountable Walker lead.

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Angus Reid): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 51, Tom Barrett (D) 46
WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (Garin-Hart-Yang for Barrett): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 48, Tom Barrett (D) 48
WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (PPP): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 47
WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (We Ask America–R): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 54, Tom Barrett (D) 42

And now onto the Presidential race:

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Gallup Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 45
NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen Tracking): Romney 47, Obama 44
MASSACHUSETTS–PRESIDENT (Boston Globe): Obama 46, Romney 34
MASSACHUSETTS–PRESIDENT (Western New England College): Obama 56, Romney 34
VIRGINIA–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen): Obama 47, Romney 47
MASSACHUSETTS–SENATOR (Boston Globe): Sen. Scott Brown (R) 39, Elizabeth Warren (D) 37
MASSACHUSETTS–SENATOR (Western New England College): Elizabeth Warren (D) 45, Sen. Scott Brown (R) 43

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I’m dreading the wingnut crowing that would result from a Scott Walker win.

  2. Will McVay says:

    I’m not looking forward to either side’s crowing.

    Still disappointed none of the presidential polls include Gary Johnson.

  3. Geezer says:

    Will McVay: This is basically spam. Don’t come here spouting your libertarian horseshit just because you can’t find anyone to visit your own site. Go. The. Fuck. Away.

  4. MJ says:

    Turnout in Dane County (Madison) WI has been reported to be as high as 88%. Milwaukee is also having a huge turn-out.