Delaware Liberal

Sheriff Christopher sure is a whiner.

We just received a letter from an anonymous tipster that insane teabagger Sheriff Jeff Christopher has sent to “Delaware State Attorneys” and “Delaware State Court and Justices.” I really do wonder if Sheriff Christopher has sent this letter to all attorneys in the State of Delaware, as there is no “Delaware State Attorneys” office. I suppose he meant this letter to go to the Attorney General’s office. I also wonder if every employee of the the state judicial system and every Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court has received this letter.

Christopher blasts them all for taking away his “power” and then complains to them that Sussex County Council (controlled by Republicans, mind you) has refused to replace two of his deputies due to budgetary concerns. He views the Council’s actions as an “attack on himself” due to his lawsuit to unconstitutionally expand his powers past that of being a process server in Sussex County.

He then implicitly threatens someone or everyone that his office may now fall behind in their official duties (you know, the job his office is supposed to do: serve papers, instead of acting like his own police force).

The insane power usurper will be on Bill Colley’s show this afternoon, no doubt to make the same complaints and threats contained in this letter. Meanwhile, up in Dover, Pete Schwartzkopf’s bill to tell the Sheriff to shut up and do the job he was elected to do was voted out of the Senate Executive Committee yesterday, and will likely be passed by the Senate shortly. It has already been passed by the House on a vote of 36 to 2, with the those two voting against being Gerald Hocker and John Atkins.

This bill, once law, should make the tiny Sheriff’s lawsuit moot.

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