Sam Latham’s defense of KWS makes labor look bad
At a time when Americans approval of labor unions is reaching a record low, this quote from Latham seems to crystallize the criticism people have for labor.
“She’s the only incumbent who wasn’t endorsed. She’s the only female statewide official. I think it’s a travesty. What does it say about the Democratic Party, the party of diversity, the party of inclusion?” said Sam Lathem, the state AFL-CIO president with Democratic clout. (grapevine)
So basically… she is an insider who, even though she stinks at her job, should keep her getting a paycheck because in addition to being an insider, she is also a woman.
With friends like Latham, does labor need any enemies?
what does it say about the democratic party when they try to keep people who suck at their job so they can look inclusive?
“With friends like Lathem, does labor need any enemies?”
No. But it could use someone more competent at furthering its interests. Only Colin Bonini prevents Lathem from being Delaware’s most useless, unfunny clown.
No, basically the Party is a bunch of misogynistic individuals who have had enmity for KWS for 40 years. Labor understands insurance issues especially concerning the 99% better than most of the good folks on here…… Mr. Daniello??????
Give it a rest, JP. She reached out to you so you’d owe her, and now you pay her back by smearing anyone with the eyes to see her incompetence. Stop acting the political hack. Sam Lathem is as incompetent as she is, and labor has about as much pull with the voters as you do — none.
Geezer, stop singing the same bullshit tune it has become boring. You guys smeared Mr. Latham on this thread and you then did personally by calling him incompetent, and what this blog does to anyone who says anything supportive of KWS. To point out that Daniello is a political hack is simply to illustrate his 50 year history of being a political hack. Have a nice day
Those mysoginists hired Ruth Ann as governor, Joe. Maybe there’s just something about KWS they don’t like?
It’s very possible for someone to be an excellent amicable person and horribly disappointing at their job. Exhibit a) Tom Carper.
“stop singing the same bullshit tune it has become boring.”
I’m rubber, you’re glue. It would be nice if just once you could cite something she’s done instead of attacking anyone who points out her incompetence.
“You guys smeared Mr. Latham on this thread and you then did personally by calling him incompetent,”
I don’t know about anyone else, but yes, I’m calling him incompetent, and I’ll say it to his face. He’s a clown whose only card is the race card. But I can understand why you like him, loyalty being your only apparent standard for support. I never figured you for the sort who liked having smoke blown up his ass, though.
On the other hand, I entirely agree with you about Daniello.
Have a nice day.
The Democratic Party failed to endorse KWS because she is incompetent. Not because she is a woman. The Party has endorsed other women in the past.
It IS that simple.
It is unfortunate that the gender card is being played.
You see my true heresy is I believe KWS deserves reelection on the merits. I will cite Blue Cross and would be pleased to have an offline conversation as to the reasons. As to your guy he is a master player of the Long Con but since the last time I criticized him he threatened to sue me for now I will spare the details as I am beginning to climb above “judgement proof” and I would not want to put DAX the Beagle at risk
Understood. But we will have to agree to disagree about Blue Cross. I have followed that issue for 30 years, and am well aware that her cave-in was the culmination of a much longer game than anything “my guy” is playing. It is the primary reason I say she is incompetent, and I stand by it.
our only point of agreement is a certain landlord around town:) and Daniello of course and prolly a few others…..
Lots of others, actually. But if you have anything to cite showing KWS to be better than I and others think, you ought to spell it out.
Quite frankly this forum is not a place where i will have that discussion. I can deal with you because while you are crass you are sane. taking the debating position for KWS on here is not worth the aggravation. This forum has to my personal knowledge, a bona fide stalker of KWS who spews her crap with impunity I will not fuel her psychosis. One I retain competent legal counsel I might knock the other guy a bit:)
I know of the one your reference, and you’ll note that I often point out he has no evidence to back up his claims.
I think she deserves a fact-based defense, and I think it has to be put forward by someone better able to articulate it than she is.
In one weekend the Delaware Dem establishment managed to smack down both its only woman and minority statewide officials. It is a good ole boy’s party. Know your place and stay quiet until November. I am glad Sam is speaking out. The state Dems have no blacks in high appointed positions either with the one token being exiled to Maryland. Say what you want about George W. Bush but he walked the walk on diversity. From what my lib pals say the Dem establishment shoved Crane down people’s throats to get the woman out.
If this is all KWS partisans have, they don’t have much.
The stalker to whom I refer is female. this blog is not encouraging her and are not in any way responsible. She uses a myriad of names and IP’s the most recent being male. it is not so much what is said here there is reasonable belief that she may be an actual danger, Nuff said. Just though I’d make a cameo to defend my Labor roots.
Wow, JP, you had the floor to offer KWS strong points and you punted. How disappointing.
The Del Dem establishment appointed Velda for treasurer and Greg Fuller for a Sussex Row Office. Which, as you know, for some in Sussex was a big deal. Sussex also, for the first time in its history, elected an African American Vice-chair. The Party also worked to elect Chip Flowers to Treasurer (while at the same time abandoning Richard Korn at the starting line). We are also the party that got equal protections for gays & lesbians and civil unions passed.
The one “token” as you call her (racist much?) actually went out, sought and interviewed for the job in MD. She wasn’t fired or pressured to leave and, reportedly, the Gov. was a little surprised by her resignation.
We are also the Party that elected the first black President, with out second choice in the primary being a woman.
I think we are doing fine with women and minorities, thank you very much.
It is my intention to write one item about Commissioner Stewart’s incumbency every few days. It will be either a quote, an achievement, an action etc. Collectively it will ultimately give those who read this blog a picture of the Commissioner’s tenure. Finally, a little later, I am going to relate a story about KWS that makes Michael Lewis’ book “The Blind Side” seem inconsequential.
United States Senator Jay Rockefeller – September 8, 2011
“I congratulate Commissioner Stewart for standing up for consumers and insisting that patients get the health care they paid for, when they need it. I also commend her for bringing together Blue Cross Blue Shield executives and doctors in her state to develop and innovative approach to approving diagnostic heart tests.”
Your party is half black, half female. What percentage of your elected officials outside of Wilmington are? How about your lib governor’s top appointees? Dems want blacks and to a lesser degree women during election time.
Actually Elliott, I think most of us would prefer if you shared with us a new love letter or poem every few days. And we can compromise. They can be about your old boss if you’d like.
“Your party is half black, half female”
No, no it isn’t.
“Dems want blacks and to a lesser degree women during election time.”
Wrong again. We want everybody. All the time. One RD in Sussex in chaired by a black woman. Another RD, the majority (60%) is African American and was chaired by a woman.
We are running a woman for Sussex County Council and a woman for the 38th district.
We also have a black woman elected to city council down here.
Chip Flowers election? HISTORIC
First Black Woman Sussex Vice Chair? Historic
I don’t know about percentages, I am too busy making history in the Democratic Party.
Since you are ignoring my previous points, I can only assume you will ignore this one and most likely have an agenda that has little to nothing to do with this thread.
As super as it is to include minorities of all stripes, shouldn’t we be more concerned about getting the job done and done right than “making history” by being the “first” to do anything? Does the LPD have the “first” minority state chair? Who really cares until we accomplish something worthwhile?
You are picking isolated incidents. A party that’s nearly half black and half female will have a handful of both in postions.
You have eight statewide people. Six are white males, one is a woman and one is black. The Dem establishment loves the white males and hates the woman and black. It is trying to replace the woman with a white man.
Dems have endorsed a white man over Karen in 2004, 2008, 2012. Dems endorsed the four white males incumbents but left the woman out. Latham is right. This is hypocrticial.
Your lib governor has no blacks in high positions in his cabinet just like Billy Clinton didn’t. Bush walked the walk.
But yep you have a RD chair. People are catching on. When even the AFL-CIO leader is calling you out…It’s about proportionality. Funny how libs preach affirmative action but don’t practice it. Your statewides should be 3 black, 5 female. You should have 12 blacks in the house and 15 women.
Talk is cheap – you’re wrong that there is no diversity in the cabinet. There are a number of women in the cabinet, and at least man who is a minority.
The problem with Lathem is that while labor unions for the most part have evolved, he’s still living in the 1970’s. I’m a union member, but we approach things a lot differently than kissing either party’s ass.
Elliott, I suggest you start your own blog, then. We don’t need nor want to read your bullshit on a daily basis.
What we’ve seen is that the only strategy the Stewart campaign believes is open to them is to claim sexism and to try to get enough sympathetic female votes to win a primary. That’s why JC and Sam Lathem are harmonizing like the Self-Righteous Brothers. When it comes to KWS, they are the only two who haven’t ‘lost that lovin’ feeling’.
Won’t work b/c, contrary to the cynical strategy of the Stewart campaign, women won’t fall for that BS. It’s not as if the vast preponderance of committee people who chose Crane didn’t include a lot of women.
This sounds like little more than the death rattle of a dying campaign to me.
Will, doing the right thing and making history are the same thing in this instance. And good for the LPD for electing a minority chair.
Dems did not go hunting for minorities for these positions, the candidates went for them and we supported them.
There seem to be a whole LOT of “isolated incidents” in the Democratic Party.
Talk is Cheap is a good name for you. Talking on a blog isn’t going to change much. Going to a Black Caucus meeting like the one that happened tonight in Sussex might change things, however. And, yes, the democratic party is supportive of their efforts. Don’t think so? Think again, it occurred at the Sussex HQ.
Be the change you wish to see in the world Cheap Talker.
And repeating 1/2 of the party is black over and over doesn’t make it true. Head over to Delaware Politics if you want that to work.
A lot of people think Karen got a raw deal from the establishment. A bigger problem is people are tired of the party pulling this bullshit every election.
She’s had four years to convince people she can do the job. Clearly her own party has some doubts. How’s it a raw deal when she’s had more than 1,200 opportunities to change their minds, and failed every time?
Stewart has played the victimhood card all her life because she’s stupid and lazy but somehow feels entitled. This crap isn’t going to hold any water. She doesn’t have a record to run on, so now her failures and total stupidity are everybody else’s fault for one contrived reason or another. First it’s supposed sexism and now it’s a “raw deal from the establishment”? The only people who got a raw deal here are Delaware policyholders and voters who’ll know better than to repeat their mistake this September. You three or four KWS groupies should just STFU. No one buys that garbage anyway.
Only 12 of 41 committees endorsed Mitch and 11 of those were in New Castle. Karen had about half a dozen plus it’s known the city is for her. Democrats are split on the race and a lot of people are mad the endorsement was given despite this.
anon, You keep this up and you’ll risk making a laughing stock of yourself. That probably won’t bother you since your girl is one too, so you should be used to it.
The laughs will be when the election results come in. Few people outside his fan club expect Mitch to win.
Too funny, anon – you’re a real comedian. ROTFLMAO.
‘A lot of people think…’
No they don’t. This isn’t Carney/Markell 2008, where heavy-handed tactics were brought to bear on behalf of Carney. There was no packing of committees this time.
KWS lost b/c the grassroots supporters of the Party supported Crane and rejected her. And, this is important b/c I think it’s the ONLY time, certainly in my memory, when a statewide incumbent seeking reelection was rejected by the Democratic Party.
But dream on.
Hey , love to hear sll of your spin on the reversal oh the KWS endorsement in the 15th. Mr. Latham is totally on point and is a credit to the Labor movement . Cheers
This illustrates why the state party should not endorse. It is divisive. Why not wait the extra two or three months and let voters decide? There is no upside in party endorsements, especially if party endorsements keep conflicting with the people’s endorsements. If Karen Weldin Stewart wins this will be the fourth consecutive primary in which the state party endorsed the losing candidate; if Mitch Crane wins it will be an exception to the recent trend. What is the point of the state party endorsing?
The DEGOP does the same thing, with the same divisive results. It’s no way to run a political party legally bound to nominate the winner of the primary, not the winner of the endorsement from party insiders.
Daniello will reap what he sows. The heavy handed thuggish tactics make the “endorsement” useless and are having the opposite effect particularly among women and minorities. But hey if that’s the way you wanna play the game………
Latham sat on the board of the peoples settlement with KWS and allowed it to go down the tubes. Latham never opens his mouth about minority recruitment into unions that are lacking. You never see Latham out front on anything and that is the problem with Union Leaders in Delaware they don’t lead just follow the corporate ca$h.
It was Harris McDowell that put KWS and Latham on the board of the peoples settlement and why I don’t know. KWS is a McDowell lacky and we have to change this horror show.
Try to slip an actual fact into your slime there, buddy;)
You bought and paid for KWS groupies are so predictable. It’s not like we didn’t know your ignorant bitch candidate would get all down and dirty. That’s what she always does because that’s all she knows, just like when she lost in 2000 and 2004 but unfortunately slid in on Obama’s coat tails in 2008. It ain’t gonna happen again, so you might as well give it up.
Another enlightened comment. Your words set Daniello all atwitter with pride in his thuggish success.
The grassroots didn’t rise up and reject Karen. Only 12 of 41 committees endorsed Mitch and 11 were in New Castle. The endorsement being rammed through anyway has helped Karen more than hurt her. Karen will win because labor, women, African-Americans, Wilmington are for her and name recognition.
I don’t envy the KWS team’s position and I even commend them in their efforts to spin the fact that the Democratic Party endorsed the challenger over the incumbent. Frankly, I can understand their embarrassment and anger. However, this endorsement should tell us something very important. The most active members of the Party have essentially offered a vote of no confidence in Commissioner Stewart. For anyone who has followed the news over the past 4 (outrageous contracts for her 08′ supporters, using a state car for personal use, takeover over BC/BSD to name a few) , or for anyone who has ever heard the Commissioner speak without notecards, it’s easy to see why. Karen is a friendly person who I happen to like personally, but she’s way out of her league. Karen is simply not competent enough to hold onto her job . That’s why she’s going to lose in September.
Karen has never been liked by the establishment. Only Mitch supporters are pretending the endorsement is news.
It’s not that people dislike her. They know she’s incompetent.
If so impeach her next year. They won’t because they know she is doing a good job.
Why are Mitch supporters demonizing the powerful Harris McDowell? Karen is not demonizing any legislators because she knows she will need them in the future.
your last 2 posts
“Karen has never been liked by the establishment”
“Why are Mitch supporters demonizing the powerful Harris McDowell.”
Oh, you mean the definition of establishment, Harris McDowell. The same Harris McDowell who is single-handedly trying to keep KWS in her job by splitting the field against her. The Harris McDowell who filed on March 26th, the same day as Dennis Spivack. Hmmm, I wonder why he gets attacked by progressives.
It’s pretty easy for Elliot Jacobson to extol KWS’s “accomplishments” seeing as how they are actually his “accomplishments”.
@X Stryker – Well said. Without Elliott, Karen Weldin Stewart would have been removed from office within 6 months of her swearing-in at the most.
Is Mitch even running to govern? He might as well not even submit budgets with all the demonization of Harris. Senator McDowell is a great guy. Stop with the early excuses. If Mitch loses it’s his fault, not Spivack’s for getting 15%. Running on your female opponent being unqualified and a corporate whore doesn’t work this side of the state line.
“Running on your female opponent being unqualified and a corporate whore doesn’t work this side of the state line.”
But running on your male opponent being a qualified corporate whore would work? My ass.
Yes, KWS is a woman. That’s not a defense against utter incompetence and incredible cronyism. Just ask Ruth Ann.
anon: “…unqualified and a corporate whore doesn’t work this side of the state line.”
It works on any side of the state line because it’s true and well known. McDowell puppet Karen Weldin Stewart is stupid, uneducated, and has no documented prior professional experience. That’s a fact no matter how much she keeps lying about it. Brilliant of you to recognize she’s a corporate whore. Her lies and their money got her elected. And that’s what this campaign is all about, so get used to it.
It’s the negativity you idiots. Mitch is running the most negative statewide campaign since Janet Rzewnicki.
How do anonymous bloggers who dislike KWS amount to the most negative campaign since Rzewnicki?
The KWS groupies are obviously getting desperate to keep their cash cow going and are grabbing at straws. Ain’t gonna work.
Saying Karen is a whore for the insurance companies and incompetent is negative. Mitch himself implies this. Only you idiots don’t realize it. You will learn the hard way.
You wish.
Anon, you’ve been on this blog for months bashing Mitch without end. From all of your posts, you have some axe to grind. If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess (and this is just a guess and not outing anyone) that your actually Elliott Jacobson, because you employ his sleazeball tactics in everyone of your posts.
KWS is part of the Harris McDowell network of nitwits. McDowell has been running scams on the people for years and KWS is a McDowell stooge and I am glad that she is an issue to be dumped.
This is the second post on Commissioner Stewart’s incumbency. More to come. The first is below.
Second Post (Posted Twice) 6-18-2012
Fined blue Cross/Blue Shield of Delaware $325,000 and ordered it to pay an additional $300,000 to participate in American College of Cardiology Pilot Program.
First Post
United States Senator Jay Rockefeller on Commissioner Stewart 9/8/2011
“I congratulate Commissioner Stewart for standing up for consumers and insisting that Delaware patients get the health care they pay for,when they need it. I also commend her for bringing together Blue Cross Blue Shield executives ann doctors in her state to develop an innovative approach to approving diagnostic heart tests.”
since Elliott’s posting his usual crap everywhere
“I wanted to start the long journey to adonishood, becoming half the man I am today so that you would find me as irresistible as I find you,” Jacobson wrote, according to the complaint. “And finally, I wanted us to get past the façade of small talk and trivia and make the trip down the long and winding road into each other’s undiscovered countries we call our heart and soul.”
-Elliott Jacobson, April 23rd, 2011
We just love it when paid hacks come on here to extol the “virtues” of their failed leaders. Thanks for sharing, Elliott. BTW, I hear there’s a new AYCE buffet in NCCo and they’re looking for a mascot. You know, someone who looks and acts like a lapdog.
And the next time Elliot shows up to spam this blog, his post will be treated as spam.
Since Elliot forewarned us that he would be spamming DL, I thought it fair to forewarn him that his posts continuing in this manner will go to the spam filter.
Where will you put “george” and her million other names? Just askin’
I have spoken with Mitch Crane on numerous occasions about this race, and I have never heard him utter even one negative word about KWS, in fact, when I have uttered negativities, he always changes the subject.
Saying that Crane is calling KWS a “corporate whore” is hogwash, it isn’t happening. It’s a tactic being used by the KWS people to paint Crane as anti-woman, while the KWS people have been quietly telling people that Crane left his wife for a man (true bullshit that should sound bewitchingly familiar).
KWS is running a Christine O’Donnell type campaign, cry that you are being bashed because you’re a woman, while your campaign hurls terrible, baseless insults at your opponent. And just like COD in 2010, Delaware won’t buy it.
Told you KWS was going to play dirty, and she is. Surprise surprise.
JP junior: You might as well can your bullshit because everyone’s figured out by now you’re a buffoon just like your bud Elliott and your boss with the “barely educable” IQ. Her mother was right. Too bad she didn’t put her in a home like she said she would and saved us all a bunch of trouble.
george, I need you to dial this stuff back down. DLs audience is largely in agreement re: KWS’ incompetence. This persistently personal stuff (that has little to do with the thread at hand) isn’t helping your argument.
I have to strongly second Cassandra. Personal attacks only allow your target to play the victim card. With so much of her record to attack, why even resort to the personal?
Ok, no problem.
Thank you, george.