Delaware Political Weekly: June 16-22, 2012

Filed in National by on June 22, 2012

1. Clark & Taschner Get NCC D Endorsements.

Now don’t go all nu-cu-lar on me, but, from an institutional perspective, they probably made the right choices. No, I’m not endorsing either Paul Clark or Renee Taschner. But, practically speaking, who else were the County D’s going to endorse? There is no Mitch Crane in this contest to offer a viable alternative to Paul Clark as NCC Exec.  I think that Rich Krett might have been that guy, but neither Bill Shahan nor Jon Husband have demonstrated the slightest ability to run a competitive campaign. Which leaves the choice between Clark or Gordon. Clark is the incumbent, Gordon is at least as ethically-questionable as Clark, oh, and Clark is the incumbent. I’m no Paul Clark fan, far from it, but, seriously, the alternatives suck at least as much if not more.  The Taschner endorsement may seem less clear-cut, but makes sense in that Taschner actively sought the support of the committees. In other words, she courted the people who make the endorsements. So maybe she becomes the establishment candidate to Bill Dunn‘s outsider insurgency efforts. By actively courting the ‘establishment’, Taschner has put herself in position to take advantage of that status. Seems like smart politics to me.  Plus, as much as we sometimes blister ‘insider politics’, demonstrating the ability to put together a coalition to win an endorsement is a skill that is transferable to governing effectively. County Council President only gets one vote, just like all the other council members, so coalition-building is essential to having an impact greater than one out of 13.

2. Speaker Gilligan Running for Reelection.

He kept ’em guessing for the better part of two years, but Speaker of the House Bob Gilligan will run for another term and, if reelected, will almost certainly return as Speaker. As well he should. He’s done a superb job as Speaker, he has effectively helped to enact as progressive agenda as we’ve ever seen. He has effectively managed the House in a thoroughly professional manner.  He has effectively helped enact the Governor’s agenda. He has effectively helped the D’s to maintain, and even build, on their majority. He clearly loves the institution and, although he could not have enjoyed having to deal with the black eyes left on the institution by the actions of Reps. John Atkins and Brad Bennett, I think the people of Delaware should be relieved that he has decided to run once again.

3. What the Bleep’s Going On In the 3rd Senatorial District?

Incumbent Bob Marshall has yet to file, no one appears to know if he will, including Bob Marshall, who may or may not run for Mayor.  The only filed candidate is Tim Meades, Sr., and here’s all you need to know about him. Item #3, if you’re disinclined to read my timeless prose. Eric Anderson, who does have credentials, announced his intention to run, but hasn’t filed, and it’s an open question as to whether he will. Rep. Helene Keeley, who would figure to be the odds-on favorite to succeed Marshall should he not run, has filed for reelection in the 3rd Representative District.  Of course, nothing’s final until it’s final. However, I have to think that a lot of people would like to know what’s going on here, incuding the Senate leadership. Should Marshall not run, look for a game of political musical chairs. A lot of people are standing around just waiting for the music to start.

4. Sussex County Gets the Representation It Deserves.

Incumbent John Atkins, who is equally adept at burning tires and burning bridges, has an opponent.  No, DL loyalists, this isn’t a cause for Bacchanalian revelry (something else with which John Atkins is reportedly not unfamiliar). His opponent is Richard G. Collins, Executive Director of the so-called ‘Positive Growth Alliance’, which of course, is dedicated to “Improving the Quality of Life Through Free Enterprise”. Feel free to read the empty rhetoric. It’s just a downstate spew of what Charles ‘Bouvier de Flandres’ Copeland puts forward upstate.  In other words, dog whistles. With multimillionaire bucks behind them. Here’s who they are, in their own words:

We are a rapidly growing coalition of landowners, business owners, employees, and their families, as well as those who are passionate about defending liberty.  As a 501(c)(4) non-profit, we defend property rights and promote the benefits of free enterprise in creating economic growth.  We are an influential voice to counter the anti-growth movement.Our membership base is growing daily as citizens have found a voice and renewed sense of hope.

Atkins vs. Richard Collins. Truly the type of choice that residents of Millsboro and its environs deserve.

4. A Bodacious Candidacy?

Samba Tata has filed as the fourth candidate in the Democratic primary to succeed Rep. Terry Schooley in the 23rd District. I already had quite the fantasy going on in my head ( cue fantasy interlude)…:


…when I found out that–Samba Tata is a man, and a staffer for the State House of Representatives. Fantasy officially crushed. Hey, I was wrong. Can you blame me? BTW, Terry Schooley officially withdrew her candidacy, as she had previously announced she would do.

5. All House D’s Present And Accounted For. Uh, Except For One.

All incumbent Democratic House members who intended to seek reelection have now filed. With the exception of John Atkins, whose party affiliation is meaningless. Speaker Gilligan is the final incumbent to file. Rep. Dennis P. Williams (1st RD), Terry Schooley (23rd), and Brad Bennett(32nd), are not seeking reelection for various reasons. While I may have missed some others, only two R’s have yet to file in their current districts: Rep. David Wilson (35th RD) and Rep. Dan Short (39th RD). Neither district offers much of a chance for a D pickup, regardless of whether the incumbent runs or not. Perhaps Wilson and Short are facing prospective Tea Party insurgent candidacies?

6. Matlusky Withdraws, Refiles.

Remember just last week when I reported that Ken Matlusky had filed for the 8th Wilmington Councilmanic District, the district that had been vacated by Stephen Martelli? Matlusky withdrew his candidacy this week, likely b/c Bud Freel had let it be known that he would seek the seat rather than his current at-large seat. Matlusky has since refiled for an At-Large seat on Wilmington City Council.

That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Jas121 says:

    Clark is the lowest form of slime. Google “any1butpaulclark”

  2. Zafo Jones says:

    Speaking of meaningless party affiliations, when is Dixie-Dem Bob Venables going to retire? He’s about three decades late by my count.

  3. SussexAnon says:

    It would be nice if the Senate would get a leader like Bob Gilligan. He actually cares about team building and getting others elected.

    The response from the house regarding candidate recruitment and party building is outstanding. The Senate? Not so much.

    Atkins is running and will get re-elected because his constituents like him. He has excellent constituent services skills.

  4. John Manifold says:

    We’re used to wingnuts dizzy and daft, but Richard G. Collins looks dottier than most:


    Suing to end recycling as “unconstitutional.” Case got tossed.

    Won’t get as many votes as Richard T. Collins did.

  5. anon says:

    Mary Cheney married Heather Poe this morning:

    Woops, wrong thread, I meant to post this on the Friday Open Thread, sorry!

  6. Sussex Watcher says:

    I think Venables has said he’s got one more term in him. Up against nutjob newspaper publisher Bryant Richardson this time, so it’ll be interesting.

    Collins is crazy and doesn’t let facts get in his way. “Freedom” will be his most-uttered word.

    I guess another term of Speaker Bob means Pete’s going to have to wait two more years, huh? But he could be speaker after 2012, and Denn’s lieutenant governor in 2016.

    Wilson and Short are shoo-ins. Wilson shouldn’t be ’cause he’s dumb as a brick, but that’s what happens in that district. If the Dems had run someone other than a corrupt ex-state police superintendent the first time, he’d never had gotten in.

    Short is actually a class act, his sheriff cowardice notwithstanding, and will be moving to the Senate the moment Venables retires. They oughta engrave his nameplate right now.

  7. Dave says:

    Considering that Collins has close associates in the 9/12 um..patriots and the recycling is unconstitutional and federal tryanny, it is pretty clear that someone like Collins spends too much time in never never land to be considered a serious candidate.

    While Atkins is a less than stellar candidate, I am more concerned about those who live on the edge of reality because I never know what will push them over the edge. It’s good to have folks around who think out of the box, but with some you would like to figure out how to get them back in the box.

    Fortunately, I don’t live in Millsboro.

  8. Southern Del says:

    SussexAnon I really domt know how you can say that when the current senate has passed some p0retty significant and dare I say orogressive legislation ovder the last two to tghree years. Senate runsw its agendas like a well oiled machine, peolple know what they can expect and get it. No bs. And word is the majority caucus getting along better than ever as well as with House leadership. I heard the candidate against Connor is strong, Sokola sitting pretty, and DeLuca campaigning like a pro. Hard to find good d,s down here to run but the Ds may have a few tricks up their sleeves.

  9. Southern Del says:

    SussexAnon, I disagree. The current senate has passed some pretty significant and dare I say progressive legislation over the last two to three years. Senate runs its agendas like a well oiled machine, people know what they can expect, get it and like it. No BS. And word is the majority caucus getting along w one another better than ever as well as with House leadership. I heard the candidate against Connor is strong, Sokola sitting pretty, and DeLuca campaigning like a pro. Hard to find good Ds down here to run but may have a few tricks up their sleeves.

  10. Don’t know if DeLuca is ‘running like a pro’, but his opponent is:

  11. Podium says:

    Does any DL poster have any clue on whether Marshall is going to run for re-election or mayor?

  12. I honestly don’t think that HE does.

    A lot of people would like an answer to that question.

    He makes Cuomo’s Hamletesque ‘will he or won’t he run’ for, uh, whatever it was he was gonna run for, seem Hamsteresque by comparison.

  13. Podium says:

    Will others wait until the final minute or get tired of waiting and make a move themselves?

  14. JJ says:

    Rich Collins just gave Vance Phillips a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Positive Growth Alliance. How can Mr. Collins do this when he well knows Vance is currently being investigated by Del State Police for alleged statutory rape ? Seems like very poor judgment on Rich Collins’ part. Guess its blind loyalty………

  15. MJ says:

    JJ – and you know that Vance is being investigated how? Please cite your sources.

  16. JJ says:

    I believe that the state police have an affirmative duty to investigate when serious issues/ potential crimes are alleged. The press has reported that legislators turned over letters to DSP and have reported to them. The ball is in DSP’s court. They may bring charges or decline to act in the end, but they must seriously investigate these matters and conduct their due diligence. They have the expertise to conduct a thorough investigation and look into the matter, interview, subpoena records, etc. to see if any laws have been broken.

  17. Another Mike says:

    Sgt. Paul Shavack, director of public information for the Delaware State Police, said June 21 there is no new information to report on the progress of the investigation. Shavack said police began looking into the matter June 13 after someone from the state legislature contacted police regarding the anonymous letter sent to House members alleging criminal offenses.

    “The Delaware State Police Criminal Investigations Unit is actively investigating the credibility of the anonymous letter and the allegations it contained,” he wrote in an email. The state Attorney General’s office has also acknowledged its involvement in the matter.

    “The Attorney General’s office is in communication with Delaware State Police, which has opened an investigation into this matter. We cannot provide additional comment on the ongoing investigation,” wrote Jason Miller, spokesman for the Attorney General’s office, in an email.

    I think JJ is correct. The state police has to investigate any claim of rape, statutory or otherwise. They can’t worry about the source of the allegation.

  18. MJ says:

    That is not what you wrote JJ. You either know that Phillips is being investigated or you just pulled that comment out of your ass. Which is it?