Delaware Liberal

Supreme Court ACA Watch Open Thread

Today is supposed to be the last day of this Supreme Court session so all of the breathless press vamping waiting on the ACA decision officially turns into lots of breathless punditry sometime after 10AM today. I’m posting this thread for everyone to have a place to start posting your own prognostications and links to people who are doing a good job at discussing the issues involved.

In the meantime, here are some links:

1. Jonathan Cohn over at TNR is one of the people who simply owns the subject of health care policy in the US — the politics, the policy, the application. He wrote a post yesterday providing an excellent overview of what today’s decision should settle and what it won’t.

2. Look who thinks that we’ll get single payer if the ACA is struck down! Ben Nelson (the Nebraska one)is telling his constituents:

“Many expect an activist Supreme Court will strike down part or all of health reform,” Nelson said in a prepared statement. “If they strike down the mandate, the Supreme Court will be paving the way to a single-payer system, or back to the old broken health care system — neither of which are good for Nebraskans.”

It is to laugh.

3. Ezra Klein discusses how Republicans built the space for the conservatives on the court to put their activist hats on and upend the current understanding of the Commerce Clause. Would that progressives would start taking note.

4. Nate Silver depressingly reminds us that the nuance and detail of the implications of any ruling aren’t likely to be absorbed by the public.

5. Jim Romenesko catches the Sun-Times posting up their prep copy for the ACA decision.

6. Intrade is predicting (as of this writing at 10 PM on 6/27) that there is a 70% chance the mandate is overturned.

7. Not quite Supremes coverage, but this just blows me away — thousands of federal firefighters fighting the Colorado (and other places) fires have no health insurance. Firefighters, people. Doing one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. dKos has posted up a petition to ask Boehner and Reid to make this right. Please go sign it.

8. If you are looking for someplace online to monitor for the decision (and some smart analysis and reaction to it), check out SCOTUSBlog (who is liveblogging the announcement, I think); Judge Richard Posner, Emily Bazelon, Walter Dellinger, and Dahlia Lithwick have been having an online roundtable discussing this week’s decisions over at Slate; Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog will likely be on top of the issues; as will Jonathan Cohn at TNR. In more traditional media — Nina Totenberg at NPR is always an excellent source for Supreme Court reporting.

What do you think the Supreme Court will do this morning?

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