Saturday Open Thread [6.30.12]
Moving day for me. If I read my new redistricting maps correctly, my new representatives in the General Assembly are Senator Cathy Cloutier (R-5th) and Representative Debbie Hudson Capano or Debbie Capano Hudson (R-12th). Ugh. Quite a change from Margaret Rose Henry and Dennis P. Williams.
Well, perhaps in 2014 I will take out Debbie, if no Democrat files and wins this year.
Don’t know who your legistatlor is? Find them here. You have to be registered to vote for that link to work. If you are not registered to vote, then what the hell are you doing being interested in politics and reading Delaware Liberal and not being registered?? It boggles my mind. Go here now. Register. Don’t do anything else until you do.
Alex Pires is paying people $10/hour and $1 per signature over 10 each day in order to qualify for the ballot. Hmmm, if he was that popular (as he claims he is down here), why does he have to pay people to gather signatures for him?
Thats not that uncommon but usually its a supplement. He has a virtual day labor hiring hall paying on the spot here in Wilmington. I am ok with it as it is benefitting people who desparately need money but it does not bode well for his “base”
That’s a pretty good salary, may have to rethink my career choice…
One of the races in Sussex County that deserves our support is John Brady, for Clerk of the Peace. In 2010, when he and I appeared at many candidate forums, I was amazed by his astounding intelligence, and humility. Since 2010, he’s become a good friend, always willing to help. He volunteered to do legal work for the dolphin rescue group, and every time I’ve reached out to him, asking for help, or advice, his answer is always yes.
John will be a great replacement for the RWNJ who is currently Clerk of the Peace.
Here is a link to John’s kick off speech:
I’ve been wondering if news of the SCOTUS decision leaked a week or so early to the Republicans. As you might recall, a few weeks ago there were plenty of reports of hand-wringing over the loss of popular provisions of the ACA if the law was struck down. However, for the final week prior to the decision, they returned to complete full-throated calls for full repeal as if they already knew how it was going to go.
You’re moving DD. I’m being evicted. Like a Jew in the wilderness, or a Mormon on a pioneer trail, until our new leadership is elected from the “reallocated 11th RD”. π
I feel kind of like Chava or whoever at the train station in “Fiddler in the Roof”. Quinn Johnson was such a FABULOUS, responsive, dependable 8th district Representative. Many could take lessons from him on his constituent concern and service. He never failed to take a call, return a call, email or just stop and visit on any and all matters. Whether we agreed or not, he was just as communicative w/ his positioning rationales, and generous with his time and availability. His stock further increased w/ me when he chose not to support HB 360 this round, moving school board elections to the general among other things. We went toe to toe on that one, and round and round–he was on board in 2011–not so in 2012–and I appreciate the epiphany. Which brings me to another legislator, albeit a newbie…Rebecca Walker of the 9th.
Don’t really know her or her voting pattern–but by golly she BRAVELY removed her name thru amendment of being a co-sponsor to Valerie Longhurst of HB360 this year; late in the game; of evaluating the ramifications of such a bill in Delaware school districts and the political theatre. That took REAL GUTS, and I’m sure provided some real awkward moments on the “playground”. She should be commended for doing what no doubt had to be a tense retraction as one of the new kids on the block. That news was given to me my last night on the school board and it is so appreciated.
The new 11th rep will have some big shoes to fill to match Rep. Johnson’s service, and receptiveness of input I’m proud to report both Quinn and Rebecca have displayed.
Quinn?? I tried twice to contact him and he never responded. If you’re not a board member or in the firehouse, he doesnt care. Quinn only responds to groups that vote. Forget about us peons on the little league fields. He couldn’t care less.
I met Quinn Johnson when he was volunteering for the MOT soccer club; he is a peon on a little league field and you are the first person I’ve ever heard complain about Johnson not returning calls.
Bravo to News Journal reporters Mike Chalmers and Esteban Parra for their reports today on use of force by Delaware police. Chalmers and Parra report that police departments across Delaware are refusing to release their use-of-force policies, claiming FOIA exemptions (with the laudable exception of NCCPD).
In another article today, Chalmers and Parra report on the rate of Delaware police offices shooting into vehicles, and report on sentiment for revising the policy:
This is very brave and useful journalism. Delaware police aren’t used to being seriously questioned on anything, other than at most an unenthusiastic investigation that is invariably swept under the rug.
WPD of course is the poster child for police aggression, wrongful death, and police impunity. No matter what good Beau Biden may do in politics, I will never be able to look at him without thinking of Derek Hale and his unpunished, unrepentant killers. And when a trooper killed Eugene Allen with a taser in Wilmington in 2010, DSP anounced an investigation but I couldn’t find any announcement of the results.
Shooting into a moving vehicle in “self defense” needs to stop. Police need to know that simply turning the key or putting the car in gear does not automatically create a free-fire zone.
Given how big MOT sports are in the area, I would be shocked if Quinn didn’t return a call to any little peon on the field–because he has certainly done lots of peon duty, and probably continues to do so. I say call again–his phone was probably off as a first base coach — or he hasn’t been home–because he was looking at some pothole somewhere.
The 3rd try is a charm Reynolds.
And why would you ever call little league workers peons? I could not do that job in parenting. I BEGGED to work the concession stand instead. A T-ball game/practice was the longest hour in my life, and I’m just grateful I had a husband and other parents to cover that joyful π experience in a kid’s life!!
Anybody read the article in The New York Times today (Sunday) that essentially says Delaware’s corporate tax laws provide havens for drug dealers money launderers terrorists and thieves of all sorts, and that the people of Delaware unfairly benefit from this scurrilous practice?
The curious thing about this article is that they fail to mention the Vice President and the fact that his son is the chief law enforcement officer in the state. You might have thought that to be relevant.
Before you jump all over me…. yes I know the system was set up by Pete DuPont.
P.S . I think the author of this hit piece on Delaware has a tongue lashing in her future.
I wrote about it on DE Way this morning – someone sent it to me yesterday.
We have to strike a fine line between the income generated – a full quarter of the budget – and the moral and ethical implications of being the most secret corporate tax haven on the globe.
The story seems to have been inspired by the recent movement in Harrisburg to force a change. The natural gas companies in PA are evidently using the “Delaware Loophole” to avoid paying PA state taxes by situating in tax-exempt DE.