Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Open Thread [7.3.12]

Another slow newsday.

Sad news today, Andy Griffths died today, according to a local TV station. Most people will remember him from The Andy Griffiths show or Matlock. Me, I’m going to remember him from his first movie — A Face In The Crowd — where he played Lonesome Rhodes, a hobo who rises to fame and fortune in radio and tv, revealing (or becoming) monstrous and narcissistic train wreck. It is a fierce performance and worth seeing if you can:


Have you been paying attention to the Barclays scandal in London? If not, Marketplace did a great explainer of what they did to manipulate LIBOR.

From Andrew Sullivan — who thinks that Chief Justice Roberts is the First Elite Conservative to Say Enough. Count me as unconvinced.

Interesting investigation by Vanity Fair into where Mitt Romney’s money is hidden.

Hope all of you are getting out of work early today!

What interests you today?

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