Delaware Liberal

Most Anticipated Movies of Summer 2012

1. The Dark Knight Rises – Is he good or is he bad? Christian Bale is less an actor than he is a guy who keeps his a-hole persona intact no matter what.

2. Prometheus – Not as good as the original, but what is?

3. The Avengers – I missed this when everyone else saw it, but I have a soft spot for super hero movies other don’t start Christian Bale.

4. Moonrise Kingdom – I’ve loved every single movie that Wes Anderson has made, so I’ll love this.

5. Brave – Disney wants you to know that it knows that girls don’t all aspire to be helpless princesses.

6. Dark Shadows – lots of 70’s jokes. looks funny.

7. Lawless  – I can’t decide on this one. Prohibition, punching, shooting, Gray Oldman, etc.

8. The Bourne Legacy – ill be curious to see if the series works without my main man Jason Bourne.

Honorable mention:

The Amazing Spider-Man – I’m not ready for another spiderman

Rock of Ages – an 80s Rock musical So bad it’s good? I’ll be the judge of that.

Men in Black 3  – I’m going to enjoy this on HBO two years from now.

The Odd Life of Timothy Green – Childless couple creates a super baby Disney style. Hearts will melt as programmed.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter – can the movie be as good as the premise? I doubt it.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

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