Just as he “helped” Santorum, Foster Friess going to bankroll “smooth like suede” Kevin Wade

Filed in National by on July 5, 2012

Speaking of wealthy idiots blowing money on a lost cause….

The Republicans had Foster Friess as a speaker. He is the retired investor who largely bankrolled Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign. He lives in the state of Wyoming but used to be based here in Greenville.

Friess waded fearlessly into touchy topics, namely, religion and money.

“Do we want to have society governed by rules and regulations or to be inspired by values and virtues? We have the opportunity to make that decision as to what kind of society we would have,” Friess said.

“Here’s something that sometimes gets sensitive, but I believe this with the core of my being. Every one of us here has a responsibility to restore the innate Christian values that undergird our society.”

Friess committed to contributing “significant dollars” to Republican candidates here. He seemed particularly to adopt Wade, the senatorial candidate, even if he did mangle one of the best-known names in state politics as he did.

“What’s more important for our country going forward than Kevin Wade serves instead of Tim Carper?” he said.

Another strange moment, that tiny “Tim” mistake. God bless us every one.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. John Manifold says:

    Freiss’ investment in Wade will be as successful as his Brandywine Fund tended to be since about 1995.

    Talk about a dullard. Wade makes Ray Clatworthy seem like Jack Nicholson.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    well, on the bright side, there is a chance his wasted money could help Delaware’s economy a bit. Im sure the Wade offices will order pizza occasionally.

  3. puck says:

    Do we want to have society governed by rules and regulations or to be inspired by values and virtues?


  4. Jason330 says:

    I know , right? How fucked up is that quote? Just let us make as much money as we can, anyway we can and stop bothering us with rules. Have you ever heard a more conscience explanation of the Republican world view?

  5. Jason330 says:

    …and if Friess ever bothered to check “Tim’s” voting record’ he’d be hard pressed to find a single vote that could be construed as unfriendly to zillionaires.

  6. X Stryker says:

    “Do we want to have society governed by rules”

    ie like every society in human history? I don’t think he realizes what the words “society” and “govern” mean – “rules” are part of the dictionary definition for both.

  7. think123 says:

    Whenever I see this kind of comment I always like to replace “society” with the word “baseball”. Do we want to have society (baseball) governed by rules and regulations or to be inspired by values and virtues?

    Foster Friess is kind of a superrich Vance Phillips. The skeletons in the closet that produce that kind of mindless “wear my religious righteousness on my sleeve” must be really scary.

  8. puck says:

    Good one, Think.

  9. GOPMole says:

    Does Foster Friess know about Wade being investigated by the FBI & the Delaware attorney general’s office?

  10. Moley Mole says:

    I hear the Justice Dept and FBI are a little busy sniffing around some Middletown Dems….