Delaware Liberal

Thursday Open Thread [7.5.12]

It is just too hot and it will be too hot all week. Fall cannot get here fast enough.

Yesterday, Cern scientists reported that they found a particle that might be consistent with the theorized Higgs-Boson. It was awesome to listen to the BBC yesterday morning and hear all of these scientists just gush over this discovery — and to listen to a media presentation that let scientists speak and celebrate. Even the comments on the article I linked to are largely good ones. And apparently Stephen Hawking lost a $100 bet on that discovery. Congratulations to all of the scientists involved in the discovery.

The Down with Tyranny blog reports on the League of Conservation Voters report on House and Senate members who are friends of the environment. Surprisingly, Tom Carper gets good grades in the Senate. They also note that Wilco, the Dave Matthews Band and Phish are registering voters as they are touring this summer. How long before the GOP tries to make them look like the new ACORN?

Wikileaks is back! This time with years of emails from Syrian officials.

Remember how GOP types said that aggressive donor disclosure would keep unlimited corporate donations accountable? Guess What? They lied about that.

During their long campaign to loosen rules on campaign money, conservatives argued that there was a simpler way to prevent corruption: transparency. Get rid of limits on contributions and spending, they said, but make sure voters know where the money is coming from.

Today, with those fundraising restrictions largely removed, many conservatives have changed their tune. They now say disclosure could be an enemy of free speech.

The NJ reports that Dennis P. Williams is still behind on his city taxes. Interesting how someone who is telling Wilmington citizens that he is responsible for saving the state when it was broke (!) can’t manage to deal with his own tax obligations. Bovell also has tax issues — owing back taxes and water bills on some rental properties. This from a candidate who wants the City to get into the landlord business.

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