Delaware Liberal

A Most Excellent Surrogate!

Governor Martin O’Malley has been pretty visible recently with a few very cogent critiques of the GOP and it’s policies. In talking about the GOP objection to the mandates in the ACA, he noted that “The only health care mandate they can embrace are transvaginal probes for women,” .

Today he was on the ABC talking heads show and he slammed the Rmoney offshore bank accounts:

“He bet against America when he put his money in Swiss bank accounts and tax havens and shelters and also set up a secret company, the shell company in Bermuda,” said O’Malley. “What went the way of Europe were the — the Swiss bank accounts and the American dollars that Mitt Romney stuffed in that offshore Swiss bank account, jobs that he facilitated companies in moving offshore, out of places like Ohio, out of Pennsylvania and Maryland.”

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More like this please! Seriously.

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