Late Night Video — Romney’s Offshore Investments

Filed in National by on July 8, 2012

Let’s get some answers!

Great video from the Obama Team, showcasing some of the pertinent questions around RMoney’s decisions to invest money in other countries rather than the one he lives in:

What taxes would Romney have paid if the money had been invested in the US?

Romney is technically saying he hasn’t broken any laws by investing in countries that are off shore tax havens. But is technically not breaking the law enough of a threshold for someone who wants to be President of the United States?

Nice! Would that the media abandon the horserace long enough to try to get answers to these for us.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think that this is the kind of issue that can just simmer for the whole campaign as more damaging information is revealed week after week.

  2. Rustydils says:

    One problem jason, there is not any damaging
    Information. Mitt romney at bain capital made much higher returns for his investors than normal. All different kinds of investors benefited from these high returns. Like individuals, teachers pension funds, corporate pension funds, 401ks, along with many, many other type of investors. If the returns were higher than normal, then mitt romney and bain were more successful than normal. As far as I am concerned, I hope the obama camp keeps spending all their money on ads like this. They wont be effective, and they are basically punching themselves out like foreman did against ali, lots of punches thrown, but very few landed

  3. Geezer says:

    I know you’re allergic to data, Rusty, but check the polling data from Ohio. A lot more landed than you realize.

    Interestingly, your response is the one Republicans are hoping for — that most people actually want to be as rich as Mitt, and so while they don’t like him, they do admire him.

    That’s as succinct an explanation of the innate childishness of conservatives as any I’ve heard.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    Rusty profit over patriotism Mittens the man who wimped out when a GOP mob booed an active duty service man in Iraq. Mittens when asked why none of his 5 sons were not in uniform while the country was engaged in 2 wars responded they had more important thing to do than serve like help him with his campaign.Mittens who hid out in Paris France during Nam attempting to convert Christians and others to the Mormon cult. Mittens who supported along with other Repuk’s the Blunt Rubio bill if passed would have forced Sharia law on the non Muslim employees of Muslim Businesses when it came to their Health care. Mittens who has shipped American Jobs to India and China and has several Benedict Arnold off shore bank accounts.Now I ask you to be honest Rusty can his action be deemed UN American?

  5. Rustydils says:

    Truth teller, what do any of your comments have to do with this thread

  6. Rusty Dils says:

    I think Obama went and woke up the bear. Seems Obama may have helped 2 or 3 jobs land overseas also. Its all over boys and girls.
    See below, that cat is now out of the bag

  7. SussexAnon says:

    The fact is that Romney has his money in offshore accounts. Many view this as damaging and UnAmerican.

    And if you and Rmoney don’t have a problem with this, then please, by all means go public with how much he has and where.

    It is just that simple.