Filing Deadline Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 9, 2012

OK, folks, here’s where to bring your breaking news, rumors, speculation, etc., as to what will happen by 12 noon Tuesday, the filing deadline for individuals seeking to run in the September primaries and/or the November General Election. Updates from the respective Departments of Election most welcome. As are, of course, releases from announcing candidates.

I’ll start. Look for another quite credible candidate to get into the 1st RD Democratic primary (the seat being vacated by Dennis P. Williams). Look for a credible candidate to file against Sen. Harris McDowell in the 1st Senatorial District.

OK, whaddayagot?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “…a credible candidate to file against Sen. Harris McDowell…”

    Arte Johnson voice: Veery Interesting.

    (That’s one for the old timers.)

  2. Some updates from the end of last week. Gary Wolfe, who has served on the Milford School District for over a decade, has filed as a D to seek the 2nd Sussex Councilmanic District seat. Two Rethugs, Sam Wilson and John Christenson, are embroiled in a primary to see who most loves them some Sheriff Christopher, and Wolfe appears to be completely sane. These bitter primaries should open up some opportunities for the D’s, and Wolfe seems like a worthy candidate. Check him out:

    R Mark Blake has filed for County Executive. He will face the winner of a (currently) 4-way D primary.

    Incumbent D Joan Deaver could well benefit from a 2-way primary in Sussex Council District 3 between Don Ayotte and newly-filed Brett Wangen. I’m pretty sure that Wangen used to be (still is?) a Libertarian, and that he has a beard. Or at least used to.

  3. jason330 says:

    “Wangen…has a beard.” Good luck with that you weirdo.

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    Wangen is a Republican, with some sort of role in the county party. He’s a sight more articulate than Ayotte, but just as crazy.

  5. Hmmm, Libertarian…beard…what are his ties to the Kremlin???

  6. MJ says:

    A little birdie told me that former State Rep. David Brady will be filing to run against McDowell.

  7. Will M says:

    Brent left the LP after the 2010 election.

  8. anon says:

    Wangen was a Libertarian in 2010 and ran for Congress, he was quick to jump on the Sussex GOP CrazyTown Bandwangen where he fits right in.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Driving to work this morning, I saw several campaign signs up for James Burton, who is challenging Valerie Longhurst in the 15th. I’m pretty sure that those signs are currently illegal, since they can only be put up within 60 days of an election. We are currently 62ish days out.

  10. First of the endorsed R statewides has filed–Ben Mobley for Insurance Commissioner. Wanted to link to his campaign website, but it’s still under construction. Shoulda hired union workers…

  11. Geek, depends on where they are. If they’re in Deldot right-of-way, then you’re right. If they’re on people’s lawns, for example, then that’s no problem.

  12. MJ says:

    Urkel, Lopez, and Miller have been flaunting the sign reg for weeks.

  13. Guys, here’s the press release from Dave Brady on his entrance into the 1st SD race. Gotta go to work, and I don’t know what time he’ll file, but I got the OK to cut-and-paste the release:

    For Immediate Release


    Former State Representative David D. Brady (D-Claymont) today filed to seek the 1st Senatorial District seat currently held by Harris McDowell, III. He will face McDowell in the Democratic Primary in September.

    Brady, who served in the House of Representatives from 1983 to 2002, cites constituent services and attention to 1st District community needs as the main reasons he’s running.

    “I am running because I believe the people of the 1st District deserve someone who they can count on and who they know will actually follow through,” Brady said. “My entire career in the House was based on that belief, and I plan to restore this Senate seat to the people by serving their interests and only their interests.”

    Brady is a Marine Corps veteran, was one of the founders of the Claymont Community Center, and served as chairman of the local Bicentennial Committee. Other affiliations include the American Legion, Friends of the Claymont Public Library, and the Claymont Historical Society.


    For further information, contact Dave Brady at (302) 798-5532 or at

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, these signs are in the DelDOT right-of-way.

  15. The Ben Mobley official campaign website is

  16. John Young says:

    Marshall files in the 3rd today.

  17. John Young says:

    Who could forget that he was the first to announce for MAYOR of Wilmington while claiming to be finished with the Senate.

    State Senator launches campaign for Wilmington mayor

    October 4, 2010

    Robert Marshall is the first candidate to officially announce plans to run for mayor of Wilmington.

    State Senator Robert Marshall (D – Wilmington West) officially launched his bid to be Wilmington’s next mayor this morning along the city’s riverfront, more than two years before the 2012 election.

    Marshall, who has been in the state senate since 1978, says he announced early, “because I want those candidates that are considering running for mayor and the people of the city of Wilmington to know that I’m serious, and that I plan to campagin hard.” Marshall says, “There are many outstanding names that have been mentioned for mayor, so as my philosophy and my approach to a campaign has always been and continues to be stay on the high road and talk about the important issues that are important to people.”

  18. Will M says:

    The following Libertarian nominees have recently filed their paperwork:

    Margie McKeown, Lieutenant Governor
    David Eisenhour, Insurance Commissioner
    Margie McKeown, 11th Representative District

    More to come.

  19. chlorophil says:

    Which seat will Margie take if she wins both?

  20. cassandra_m says:

    Mike Katz filed for the 4th Senate.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    Dennis Cini (R) filed for Rep 19th.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Samba Tata withdrew from the 23rd race. Baumbach, Grant and Bock remain.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    David D. Brady filed in the 1st Senate to primary Harris McDowell. Great tip, MJ!

  24. cassandra_m says:

    Stanley W. Kozicki (D) filed for Wilmington City Council in the 6th.

  25. MJ says:

    No D candidates as of yet in the following districts: Sussex County Council #1; SD 18 (Simpson incumbent R); SD 20 (open – Hocker [R] filed); RD’s 35, 36, 37 and 39.

  26. John Manifold says:

    Brady felled Irv Smith, Gene Reed’s front man, in 1982. McDowell’s flaccid muscles will be sorely tested as he visits areas for the first time in 30 years. McD beat Bugbee, Kaufman, Parets, Murphy only because of registration imbalance. Now his neighborhood constitutes about 10 percent of the voters.

  27. cassandra m says:

    Kathleen Patterson (D) filed for Wilmington City Council for the 2nd.

  28. Another Mike says:

    Harris McDowell couldn’t find most of his district with a GPS. I’ve been told by his office that he doesn’t use email to communicate with constituents, and forget getting him on the phone. He’s been my senator for I don’t know how long, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in Claymont.

    I’ve known Dave Brady since before his representative days. He’s a stand-up guy who will prove that he’s the right person for the 1st.

  29. Idealist says:

    I’ll be voting against Harris McDowell on September 11th.

  30. MJ says:

    The other thing about Brady filing – it keeps McDowell busy so he cannot interfere in the IC primary helping KWS.

  31. MJ says:

    Ruth Briggs King has a primary opponent – Elizabeth McGinn of Millsboro. And Eisenhour, the L running for IC is also running for Sussex Clerk of the Peace. WillM, which race is he going to concentrate on?

  32. liberalgeek says:

    Looks like Elizabeth McGinn filed as a Republican in the 37th.

  33. liberalgeek says:

    damn, beat me to it.

  34. liberalgeek says:

    John Johnson just withdrew from the City Council at-large race.

  35. cassandra m says:

    Whoa! And didn’t refile for anything else?

  36. John Manifold says:

    Watch DeLuca hire German Shepherds and sherpas so his goons can find the First District.

    Does anyone know how Bryan Townsend is doing?

  37. All I can say is, you guys and gals are bleeping awesome!!

    Thanks for all the updates. Quite the day, I must say.

    BTW, I agree that McD having a primary opponent keeps his small coterie away from KWS’ race.

    I also think that Marshall filing in the 3rd helps Kevin Kelley.

  38. cassandra_m says:

    One easy way to check the doings of the DOE in NCCo is to like their Facebook page:

    They’ve been great about providing largely real-time announcements of filing activity.

  39. Will M says:

    MJ, I believe David will be focused on the CoP race, though he did have a good showing tonight at a meet the candidates event for Insurance Commissioner. We’ve also got someone contesting the 35th, so even if the Ds don’t put someone up, there will be opposition.

    chlorophil, Margie winning both races is not a contingency we’ve planned for.

  40. chlorophil says:

    Really? Why not?

  41. SussexWatcher says:

    Opaliski to primary Simpson: I guess he’s left Wolf’s little band of misfits.