So-called “Doctor” John E. Stapleford slips further into the abyss of wingnutery

Filed in Delaware by on July 10, 2012

When does a partisan “think tank” become a deranged, saliva coated “rant tank?” That is the question Stapey seems to be exploring these days. At this rate he’ll be using all caps and the word “Libtards” in a matter of months.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Stapey has been going off the rails for months now. He doesn’t have any honest talking points left, so he is left with that dreck.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I don’t think he ever had any honest talking points. They aren’t getting as much attention as they used to so maybe this is what flop sweat looks like in print.

  3. tidewater says:

    Hey libtards, At this rate he’ll be using all caps and the word “Libtards” because the gentlemen is correct!

  4. X Stryker says:

    There wasn’t an ounce of actual research there. Gee, rich people get married more, no fucking kidding! Tax receipts fell during the recession, you don’t say, genius. You’d think a “research” institute would actually engage in scholarship. Well, that’s what happens when you start an “Institute” based on the results you want them to publish rather than the research you want them to perform. This essay wouldn’t even get a passing grade from Bob Jones University.

  5. metaworldpeace says:

    Did you ever thing of WHY people who are married are wealthy? Maybe because they believed in working hard and sharing family values? I have read CRI’s stuff; they are not as bad as you folks here on DelawareLiberal make them out to be. They do an excellent job of researching, and their testimony for John Nichols at the Bloom Energy hearing was pretty interesting, even if they do sometimes go off on “anti-liberal” diatribes.

  6. Idealist says:

    “because the gentlemen is correct.”

    I think that says enough about your argument.