The County Executive Race Quandry

Filed in National by on July 12, 2012

Last night I got polled on the County Executive race. (It was clearly a Clark poll because the possible responses to the question, “How much do you love Paul Clark? ranged from, “A whole lot” to “So gosh-darn much”.)

Anyway, for the first time in a long time, I said – “I gotto go!” to a pollster. First of all, I did have to go. But I am also at a loss on this one. Is this a two man race between a crook and a schnook? Are Shahan and Husband viable? I know nothing and this is one of those races that will be decided by the Dem primary.

County Executive

William F. Shahan, Jr. (2-24-12)
Paul G. Clark (2-29-12)
Thomas Gordon (5-21-12)
Jonathan W. Husband (6-5-12)

R’s Mark Blake (7-6-12)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (72)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    My choice is between Husband and Shahan.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Husband is the only one without baggage and he has been a competent manager in county government for 10-15 years. The fact that he filed later than the others and has yet to cause a stir suggests that he might not have the political skills to challenge the ex-con and the developers’ water boy.
    The message here is a simple one: I know as much about the county as anyone in the race, and I’m honest too.
    But Husband has to start saying it now, and keep saying it over and over.
    Every day he doesn’t is a missed opportunity.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I’m voting either Shahan or Husband. Cannot vote for either the crook or the schnook.

    Speaking of which, I’ve seen the crook’s signs and it really is despicable how he appropriated the Obama logo. The good news, though, is that if you go by them at a normal rate of speed, you don’t know you aren’t looking at an Obama sign. Nothing says I Am Not A Crook like stealing someone else’s idea.

  4. tobyz says:

    OFA has an injunction against for trademark infringement and has been going after campaigns that are using the logo.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Interesting! Perhaps they’ll be interested in looking at the Gordon logo.

  6. tobyz says:

    Someone should contact the new OFA director and let him know. Besides being just plain wrong to use Obama’s logo, it just shows the delusion and size of ego that Gordon has. I’m sure the Obama campaign would not be happy with a convicted criminal being associated with the President’s brand.

  7. Clark actually has the same proven charges on him that Gordon has: staffer doing campaign work in county offices. The AG declined to deal with the ‘infraction’ and left it up to the Ethics Commission who sent down a letter of admonition for Clark’s impropriety and violation of the public trust. Around the same time Clark was filing suit against the Ethics Commission in Chancey Court to seal their Order on his Saul Ewing disclaimer adorned memo to a cadre of development industry friends inviting them to send him their wish list of text amendments.

    He lost the case, the Order is public and thankfully, the Council declined the Smiley Resolution giving Clark 13 thousand in discretionary funds to reimburse him for what he spent on his legal woes trying to clear his name.

    That was the first of two lies Clark claimed using his own funds when it was later admitted campaign funds. The second – his ice cream socials for NCC employees last summer.

    I looked at the NJ’s Voter Guide for the candidates’ written responses to the very interesting questionaire and Husband is the one who shines. This will be a difficult vote on which any1butClark to choose.

  8. Linda says:

    Can someone confirm this: Is Gordon only allowed to serve ONE term if he is elected?

  9. tobyz says:

    Nancy, you should do a little research. Gordon pleaded guilty to criminal charges. The ethics case against Clark was not criminal. He just got a slap on the wrist from the ethics commission for something that every-single-politician in office does.

    Your personal and vitriolic hatred of Paul Clark is really making me want to support him. In fact, I think you just pushed me over the edge. The other two don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning anything, particularly if Shahan’s new trademark is having his people go around wearing camouflage John Deere hats at events ( is he running for Sussex County?).

    Thanks for helping me out on this decision. Now, who do you hate for other offices so I can go the other direction?

  10. belblack56 says:


    You need to do the research

    The ethics case that Clark admitted to was WORSE than Gordon. Clark admitted to instructing a county employee to do campaign work for him. Gordon plead guilty because a county employee was working on a campaign other than his and without his knowledge.

    Clark got rich from public service. He’s the real crook

  11. Geezer says:

    That’s a crock, bellblack. Gordon acknowledged running a phone bank for Bill Bell and what’s-her-name from the south county area. I don’t know where your BS story about “unknown to him” came from, but nothing went on in county government that was unknown to Tom Gordon.

    Tom Gordon already had plenty of money, and a free condo over at the old sugar factory. I’m not all that impressed by the fact that he didn’t steal any for himself. He used tax money as if it were his own. For example, as far as I know the public was never reimbursed for the “accident” between Gordon’s and Freebery’s county vehicles that took place in Gordon’s driveway.

    Tom Gordon is the real crook. He might not have stolen money, but he destroyed all trust in county government — trust that neither of his successors has done much to restore, I’ll grant you.

  12. belblack56 says:

    Did Gordon run over your cat or something? Why is this the only site that spews hatred for him? Clark and his wife got RICH from public service and you choose to write about Gordons logo instead.

  13. belblack56 says:

    BTW – The “BS story” is in the court record.

  14. Jas121 says:

    Look at the site any1butpaulclark. The guy is a CROOK

  15. Linda says:

    I think you pretty much summed it up on your show yesterday . . . either you choose death by hanging or death by lethal injection . . . that was a priceless analogy. Fact is we have two other candidates (Husband and Shahan) and neither have shown any backbone in taking on substantive issues or even half assed campaigned. They have huge opportunities to go after both of these candidates and neither has chosen too. WHY? Land Use is a biggie in my vote and the UDC is the equalizer in that fight . . . just sayin . . .

  16. Geezer says:

    As if that shows it’s not a BS story. While not in court, Gordon freely acknowledged that he did what was alleged, along with the explanation that “everyone else did it too.”

    Gordon has changed stories like you change socks. He’s even claiming now that he never had a sexual relationship with Sherry Freebery — in direct contradiction of what he told someone, who taped the conversation, when Connolly’s investigation was going on. I think it was the same tape in which he was asked why he didn’t fire Freebery for failing to disclose her $2 million-plus gift/loan. “Because she’s got too much shit on me” was the answer. You’re not the least bit curious about that statement? If not, you’re a schmuck.

    Add to that the fact that he has shown not one iota of regret for his actions and I’d say the reasons go well beyond him running over anyone’s cat.

    Clark’s wife was doing quite well before she married him. Gordon’s police pension takes pretty nice care of him, too — does that mean he “got rich” in public service?

    You don’t have to like Clark to conclude that Tom Gordon does not deserve the public trust.

  17. Geezer says:

    Linda: Agreed, and agreed. To answer your question about the underdogs, they aren’t politicians, and I doubt they’d be running if someone clean and better-known was. They also won’t get any of the big money that will go to Clark and Gordon — developers for Clark, Clark-haters, police and some other public unions for Gordon. Combine that with their name recognition and this is a two-horse — or maybe two-donkey — race.

  18. queer_eye says:

    look we dont have great choices. both have issues but at the end of the day, no one can dispute that gordon ran a better government. did he f@ck up? yea. But he didnt use his office to get rich. He passed a very progressive, pro-community UDC. Clark was put in by the developers to take it apart and he did just that.

    Clark should be investigated. I cannot believe that no prosecutors are looking at this case. His wife is still in land use.

  19. Geezer says:

    So he didn’t use his office to get rich — so what? He subverted everything in the county to his own purposes. And his “progressive, pro-community” UDC contained lots of hidden goodies for supporters in the form of quiet rezonings that required no public hearings.

    So yeah, I dispute that he ran a “better government.” He ran the county better, but the government was a polarized cesspool.

    I especially dispute it because, as usual, three never-before-seen names have suddenly sprung up to tout him. Tom Gordon practically invented astroturfing, so I would point out that he hasn’t even had to get re-elected to return to his old tricks.

    Vote for whomever you want, just remember what the Phillies’ late, great Paul Owens said: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t stick the dumb son of a bitch’s head in it.

  20. belblack56 says:

    “in direct contradiction of what he told someone, who taped the conversation, when Connolly’s investigation was going on. ”

    OK Geezer. How about this. You post this tape and I’ll agree with you? I’ll be waiting

  21. Jas121 says:

    Bill Clinton showed his penis to a whitebouse intern in the oval office. If he were to run today, he would win
    I don’t care if he was banging freeberry or nOt. Feel bad for him if he did. She’s an ugg.

    My taxes didn’t go up under Gordon. Clark gave us the worse tax increases ever. Aside from his wife becoming the top land use attorney in the county, which should be looked at bet a special prosecutor.

  22. Geezer says:

    Don’t have to. It was included in the indictment. The tape was tossed out, but the statement remains. So take a flying leap at a rolling donut.

    Whether he banged Freebery is not the issue. “She’s got too much shit on me” is the issue.

    Clark made no secret of what his wife did for a living; people voted for him anyway. Gordon made a secret out of many things he did.

    Let’s start with the $256,000 settlement with a county councilman’s aide for sexual harassment — a settlement, indeed a charge, that was never made public and never reported to the police.

    You want to stump for your rotten little man, do it somewhere else. If you do it here, I will keep on bringing up every crooked thing he did. Your choice, sports. I guarantee I’ll do him more damage than you do him good.

    And, just for good measure, you’re way off on Clark passing “the worst tax increases ever.” But then, I expect most of Gordon’s supporters to come from the ranks of the ignorant, ill-informed and the anybody-but-Clark crowd.

    And I’d have more respect for Gordon if he’d admit to being behind the anybody-but-Clark web site. I suppose I could set up an anybody-but-Gordon site in the next couple of months.

  23. Linda says:

    @Geezer thanks for your civil response, I actually listened to your show for the first time and did find it amusing. First “trust in county government” is an oxymoron LOL that has been lacking for a very long time . . . long before these two took office! I am a guest on this site and your vitriolic criticism of Gordon goes way beyond politics IMO. With that said, some of us (me) actually do care about land use and have been sitting back quietly not getting involved but enough is enough. CAPAA is my umbrella group and backing the candidate that can best serve my district and the fight for development of a specific parcel of land that is going on is my priority. I have fought my specific battle for 25+ years. No one answered if Gordon can only serve ONE term . . . that one term of DEVELOPER time out is all that is needed . . . then Krett can take his rightful place : )

  24. mediawatch says:

    Gordon didn’t increase taxes because the county was riding the wave of the real estate bubble. Incredible increases in property values inflated revenue from the real estate transfer tax protected the rest of us from property tax increases.
    If you want to give Gordon some credit, credit him with being lucky.
    And I won’t bother to get into the manipulation of various fund balances to hold off tax increases.
    Go look it up.

  25. Geezer says:

    Linda: What is the CAPAA?

    Yes, my vitriol towards Gordon goes way beyond politics. His tactics and actions go way beyond politics. He used the police and the DELJIS system to spy on his critics, he clearly has something — or many things — to hide, and took extraordinary legal action to prevent the tapes from being aired in open court.

    He’s a bad guy, Linda. He can be charming as hell, and he’s a talented administrator, but anybody who has been on the receiving end of his attentions or his anger would not want to see him with the power of the police at his disposal again.

    Consider just the Chris Roberts case, in which a complaint of sexual harassment against a County Councilman was brought BY THE STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER not to law-enforcement authorities but to the County Executive, who used the information as leverage over Roberts, who suddenly never voted against the executive again.

    Sorry, but when it comes to crooked politicians, give me a bumbling amateur like Paul Clark over a dangerous professional like Tom Gordon every single time.

  26. belblack56 says:

    @Geezer, so you’re quoting a tape that you never heard correct??
    Further quoting an accusation which was dropped. Correct?

  27. belblack56 says:

    Tell the truth. Al Mascitti was FIRED from the News Journal for printing lies about Gordon. That’s why you guys hate him.

  28. bilbo says:

    The misinformation by the Gordonites continues. TG now claims he is only exec ever to take a paycut. WRONG! Chris Coons cut his pay for several years when the county finances went down the drain after the reckless spending of the Gordon years….

  29. mediawatch says:

    BB56 — cut the crap.
    I’ve known Al for 30-plus years. He was not fired from the NJ. Like so many people, he got tired of working there.
    Regardless — making such a stupid and false statement is sufficient reason to doubt anything else you post on this site.
    Shut up and do your homework before posting again.

  30. Jas121 says:

    @geezer any1butclark site is NOT pro-Gordon. Read some of the comments from the author.
    I think it’s someone from del liberal. They quote this site often. Thy link to it. And about the same time u guys stopped attacking CLark is when it popped up. Honestly, I am convinced it’s one of u

  31. tobyz says:

    Well, that’s what I get for travelling below the canal for the last couple of hours with no mobile service. I missed quite a bit.

    bellbakc56, if you are going to try to out someone and make slanderous comments about them, you better be able to back them up. In fact, your comment should probably be blocked from this stream.

    I am a political junkie, and tend to research more than I should on these things. Every time someone goes on vitriolic attacks about a candidate they usually leave the facts in the dust and run head first into innuendo and conjecture. Nancy, you seem like you hate Clark for personal reasons and often blur the lines between fact and reality. bellback56, you are obviously a Gordon guy. Comparing real crimes to rumors, conspiracy theories and rhetoric is the equivalent of just answering with “nuh-uh”. Jas121, quit spamming Gordon’s hit sites on the threads.

    Geezer, you do have some vitriolic responses as well, but at least you have the common sense to put the facts out there.

    Some of the races out there you have to do some legwork to research. This one is easy. All you have to do is Google. Shahan is empty and has no detailed plan or direction. He just keep saying he will surround himself with the “best people”. Apparently he needs them to help him figure out what the hell he is supposed to do, yet doesn’t know who they are. Husband, who I met recently, is really one of the nicest guys around. Though, when I asked him why he was running against his boss, he said “I have nothing against Mr. Clark and think he is doing a great job, but I just been wanting to do this for years now.” Nice or not, I think as a Dem you should have a little loyalty and not primary someone you think is doing a good job. As for Gordon, just Google him. Anyone who has the first two pages of a Google search filled with criminal indictments, convictions and allegations of misconduct should NEVER be re-elected to any office where the welfare of the taxpayers is in his control. Clark, to me, seems like the best choice. I’m sure I will get a response saying that I am a plant, or shilling for him. The truth is, I have more than half a brain, common sense and can decipher fact from fiction and political rhetoric.

    Well, looks like I have caught up for the last few hours.

  32. tobyz says:

    bilbo, if you check through the NJ archives, I believe no one in Council has taken a pay increase, including the Exec, in years. They gave them back. I may be wrong about the totality of it, but I believe most did this. So, you are right, he is full of crap.

    Speaking of being full of crap, Jas121, really? Come on, it is all Gordon all the time on that site and the other one that keeps getting spammed here. I have to call bullshit on you.

  33. belblack56 says:

    lol you guys quote tapes no one has ever heard and accusations which a federal judge THREW OUT. Cmon tell the truth. What is really going on here? Everyone knows this site is a sham with an agenda

  34. tobyz says:

    I don’t know anything about tapes, but I do know that taking a plea deal is still admitting to a crime. If he felt he had a shot at beating worse charges, why cop to the deal? The Gordonberry fiasco that I’ve been reading up on seems to be a huge disgrace to the county. It takes a lot of balls and a healthy dose of stupid to run again with that past. Didn’t he get his ass handed to him by Coons the witch-killer? What a sad pathetic man who can’t get over it.

    This conversation on county politics has gone on too long. Isn’t there a lot of other stuff going on in the world?

  35. JPconnorjr says:

    Tony, a 250k and climbing legal tab and a family to feed is incentive to swallow hard and protect that family. The man was facing the full force of the bush administration in the person of Colman Connely. A misdemeanor is o tough but understandable choice. The bias’s of this venue are obvious and in 62 days we will see how effective they are.

  36. tobyz says:

    Who’s Tony?

    The point is that he committed crimes and was found guilty. Yes, he was only convicted of misdemeanors, but that does not make it any better. I do not buy the payed-his-debt BS. I cannot fathom that anyone would trust a convict with running a government. Does he have to actually kill someone to be considered a non-viable candidate? Because I’d be willing to start a fund to pay for a PI to do some research, if anyone would like to chip in . I’m sure we can find some bodies somewhere with his fingerprints on them.

    As for the bias of this blog site, I don’t think the 13 of us who blog on here form a constituency big enough to change the tide of the election. The sane and average voter does not pay attention to political junkies like us. This is just fun for those of us who like to see morons get all riled up when you question there common sense.

  37. AQC says:

    I can’t even get interested in this race. I don’t trust either of the knowns and I don’t know anything about the others.

  38. JPconnorjr says:

    Tony is you with auto correct , but we won’t point out your typos and/or inability to spell. Keep flogging the horse right up to mr. Gordon’s swearing in. Like him or not he has no real competition.

  39. Geezer says:

    “so you’re quoting a tape that you never heard correct??
    Further quoting an accusation which was dropped. Correct?”

    If you are claiming the quotes from the indictment are not on the tape, please have Mr. Gordon petition the court to remove the seal on the tape. He won’t do that, correct?

    Are you suggesting that the US Attorney placed a falsehood in a sworn legal document? Seems to me the burden is on you to prove that allegation.

    Mr. Gordon will never address the issues brought forward in the indictments, not because he can disprove them, but because he can’t. The issue is not whether they were crimes. I don’t care if he could be charged with a crime for using police night-vision binoculars to spy on another county employee. I don’t care if it was illegal to place cameras in a house at Carousel Farms to, um, keep track of the county employee using it as a private residence.

    I care that he could not and by all indications still cannot understand what was wrong with all this behavior.

  40. Geezer says:

    “The bias’s of this venue are obvious and in 62 days we will see how effective they are.”

    I believe the word you’re looking for is “biases.”

    Please illustrate what I have written is not factual. Please cite anything positive I have written about Paul Clark. Be sure to include the negative things I have written about Mr. Clark in your researched response.

  41. JPconnorjr says:

    Would it be an ad homoinum attack to say…….Bullshit???????

  42. Geezer says:

    As I said, feel free to cite facts. Except for the stray bit of gossip, ad hominem attacks are all you have ever posted here.

  43. JPconnorjr says:

    It is not always about you sneezy……. Need to stop using this iPad though it spells worse than me on my own ….

  44. Geezer says:

    Well, sorry, but anyone who supports Gordon will have to explain to me how he’s going to avoid the bad behavior of his first two terms when he won’t even admit that it was bad behavior. I don’t mean it as an insult when I say I would think you would understand that.

  45. JPconnorjr says:

    What I understand is that you and your side kick feed on hate and use rationalization to justify your hatreds. I have no need to explain or debate. The more you spew the better. I pity the pair of you.

  46. cassandra_m says:

    So you don’t have an answer to Geezer’s question, then. Because it was one I asked constantly when he was running against Chris Coons. Which no one could answer then.

    Gordon was at the City Council meeting tonite and stood up during public comments to pander about leased public access tv. Started out by telling everyone that he wasn’t a politician. And the bad behavior begins.

  47. DavidG says:

    @Geezer. looks like Paul was a Gordon supporter himself.

    “Tom Gordon has done some really great things for New Castle County”
    -Paul Clark, News Journal Sep 5, 2004

  48. JPconnorjr says:

    you know what I nor anyone else here is under any obligation to answer your questions any more than you are the arbiter of “bad behavior”. you guys have a megaphone now we await a clue as to how you learn to use it. Take sneezy’s comment and the link MJ and others put up at various times and run them all you want no need to “moderate” then have El….. Cry “bully” some more ….. The public is not stupid and you folks are not smart…… Report cards are out in 61 days….. Cheers

  49. cassandra_m says:

    Ah, we’ve entered the snit portion of the evening. Hope you’re enjoying yours, JP!

    We’ve still noticed that your snit isn’t an answer, but hey, blind loyalty never does.

  50. JPconnorjr says:

    Why do you irrationally hate Conections? Do you agree that as practical matter the primary is between Gordon and Clark ? Given that reality who is the more qualified? Why won’t your IC candidate release his personell records? Why do you hate Charles Potter? There’s a few for you to ignore;)

  51. cassandra_m says:

    Ah! More of the snit! Man, you’re going to hurt yourself at this rate.

    Deflection isn’t an answer to the question posed, and yet here you are working overtime to pretend that you can’t answer any of the questions posed to you. You needn’t be angry at any of us — it is *you* who isn’t prepared to answer.

    So the questions that you’ve posed as your deflection don’t have a damn thing to do with this thread, right? But for the record, I don’t irrationally hate Connections. It suits you and yours to characterize it that way, because patronizing and/or demonizing people who ask Connections for better behavior is their only coping skill.

    So we get it jp — you have no answers to Geezer’s questions. Stop being mad at him and start being mad at yourself for not being able to hang here.

  52. JP Connor Jr says:

    Oh hanging just fine honey. I don’t have any obligations to you or anybody else here and neither does anybody to me. you make the rules then you get to break your own rules and you decide who is failing at what…. and so it goes…. but when you accuse patronizing you are gonna get some every time you do…. good night dear…

  53. cassandra_m says:

    Your snit is now moving into the unintelligible phase, but we still note that you are still in no position to answer any of the questions posed to you. And a snit isn’t a reasonable substitute. Which you knew already.

    So patronize that! Cheers!

  54. Geezer says:

    “What I understand is that you and your side kick feed on hate and use rationalization to justify your hatreds. I have no need to explain or debate. The more you spew the better. I pity the pair of you.”

    You have no evidence of that, either. What I posted are called facts. What you post is hatred. You need to learn the difference. No, you don’t have to answer questions. Nor do you have to acknowledge that you can’t.

    I have dealt with enough cracked vessels over the years to know when I’m dealing with one now. You have still not posted a single thing that is not an ad hominem attack.

    Those who have no facts attack those they cannot match. That you are a Gordon supporter says more to his detriment than anything you can post to try to smear me.

    Learn how to debate or get off the board. As I said, and will reiterate, you add nothing. You come to spew hatred at those you envy, and to support those who you owe for dragging you out of the slough of despond.

    You deserve Gordon, Karen Weldin Stewart and all the other feeble remnants of the crooked Democrats you work for. Wear it proudly.

    And, just to speak for Cassandra, there’s nothing irrational about asking you to pick up your clients’ trash.

  55. Geezer says:

    “looks like Paul was a Gordon supporter himself.

    “Tom Gordon has done some really great things for New Castle County”
    -Paul Clark, News Journal Sep 5, 2004”

    What do I care? Find me one good word I’ve written about Clark, other than to point out that people knew exactly who he was married to when they elected him.

    I never said Clark was any good. I said Gordon was bad. Do you not understand the difference?

  56. tobyz says:

    Sorry I decided to watch some tv last night.

    JP, this answering a question with another question strategy shows that you have nothing to contribute. Blind loyalty to a criminal has a name, ACCOMPLICE. Please, by all means, hitch your wagon to the failed felon/ successful plea bargainer. I’m sure you, like most of the city, has been promised a great job. How many CAO’s is Gordon up to now? They may need to a new wing to the building. Just to give you an idea of what it is like to work for the Gordon administration, take a look at the links below.

    If you want to pull some greatest hits, let’s try this:

  57. JenL says:

    “Find me one good word I’ve written about Clark, other than to point out that people knew exactly who he was married to when they elected him”

    I can’t remember Geezer ever complimenting Paul Clark. I also have to say that voters may view this race (office) differently. Clark was elected to Prez of County Council not County Exec. Not saying that anyone who is running is the right or a viable alternative (although my sense is that Gordon at least has a base). Just saying Clark wasn’t elected to County Exec. TBD if that will matter to voters this time.

  58. JP Connor Jr says:

    You are absolutely right Geezer You did not post anything hateful about me, I am sure you have another name for it. Politics has been for 40 years a hobby for me not an employment aspiration. As an exercise in killing time a few years ago I did a handwritten spread sheet on my lifetime political contributions between 1972 and 2006, The number was just shy of six figures. Since 2010 I have received about 3k in political fees and donated as my circumstances have improved given about half that to candidates. But your right I am looking for a f*****g job, not. You cry for facts but you have crudely characterized my thoughts and motives and those of others with no basis other than your perverted prism of observation. No facts necessary. BTW I have no clients dropping trash and tell your buddy there is a cleanup on aisle 4, cheers

  59. tobz must be pretty friendly with Clark because he is mouthing things Clark likes to claim about me over the years. The gibberish about Gordon is verging on some serious BS here: ” I’d be willing to start a fund to pay for a PI to do some research, if anyone would like to chip in . I’m sure we can find some bodies somewhere with his fingerprints on them”. Desperate much?

    My rendering of the Clark Ethics’ side show comes right out of the official documents, dear. No fuzz, no blur. Plus I have a set of emails council was rotating to each other at the time on the subject. Very enlightening.

    Geezer, CAPAA is the Newark area group that has been fighting Acierno’s repeated attempts to develop the lands at Possum Park/Kirkwood HWY across from Holy Angels.

    btw, Did anyone catch the FULL PAGE Frank Acierno “I never gave a gift I didn’t exploit” AD in the News Journal with Fred Sears-DE Community FNDN, a Catholic priest and a huge check depicting Acierno’s a not-so-huge $150K for renno of their Hockessin hills retreat?

    And if Pam Scott was ‘doing ok’ before she married Paul Clark it shouldn’t be ignored that once they did join in holy union, her business sky-rocketed.

    Once they had ‘set up shop’, she took plenty of clients from other land use attorney’s (who complain behind her back but I still see their max contributions every year on Clark’s campaign finance reports). She also landed a full partnership with Saul Ewing after Clark was elected to Council which gave her a piece of of all of their dealings. Remember, Saul Ewing has long controlled NCC’s Bond business now under the Clark administration.

  60. Geezer says:

    Joe, you’ll have to take your sick obsession with picking fights somewhere else. You’re a sick man, and I won’t fight with someone who belongs in a mental facility. Good luck to you.

    If you ever decide to talk about facts or want to have a discussion, fine. But all I see from you is insults, along with a number of the things you accuse me of. What are your attacks on El Som but bile-filled ad hominem attacks? He’s not a public official, and he’s not the issue.

    The fact that you have made that many donations over the years proves my point: You are an insider, someone invested in propping up the rotten Democratic Party we have here today.

    I never said Gordon wouldn’t win. I give reasons why he shouldn’t. You might try growing a principle or two here in your second life.

    The only difference between you and Evan Q is party affiliation and the fact that Evan actually has ideas — crazy ones, but ideas nonetheless.

    You have nothing but loyalty to some of the crappiest politicians in Delaware. Never seen an idea yet.

  61. JP Connor Jr says:

    Thanks for proving my point and I find your demand that I go away while your little clone whines about people trying to silence him as instructive. You accuse me of being in it for the money I debunk that and for exercising my right in giving money I am an insider. That’s a step up I guess from your previous characterization as low level hack, hanger on. You condemn the very things you do and somehow magically know why I do what I do.. Good luck with that.

  62. tobyz says:

    Nancy, you have no facts. You have conjecture, rumor and your own distorted view of life. Have you ever been happy with any County Executive? From what I hear, you loathed Coons and Gordon. I am starting to think that Clark may have spurned your advances at some point and that’s why you hate him and his wife so much. I’d like to see you prove their vast wealth, as you so often allude to. By the way, quoting the News Journal is not quoting facts. Also, if you want to talk campaign finance reports, Gordon hasn’t filed an end of year report in the last three of his elections. Also, since you have such disdain for developers, you should take a look at Markell’s, Carper’s, Carney’s and Coons’ finance reports. They have 10x the developer money.

    Like I said before, I was undecided, but you solidified my decision. It must be a terrible, lonely existence to go through life with such anger and hatred all the time. The world evolves, things change, get used to it.

  63. Geezer says:

    Joe, if you have something to say in support of your candidates, say it. Insulting those who point out their faults is not political discussion. It’s typical tactics from your sort.

  64. jpconnorjr says:

    Where did you get your Doctorate in Hypocrisy? You just told a lady what you would “not let” her do. What you say clearly illustrates what you are. Gotta go earn a non government living now……

  65. Geezer says:

    I am not the subject.

    I said I would not let her post a certain kind of comment without an answer from me. The same holds for Gordon.

    You are attempting to stop the conversation because you have nothing constructive to say about your candidates. The tactic should not go unnoticed.

    You are the sort of person who is working for Gordon’s return to power, right? Says it all.

  66. The silly season is always guaranteed to bring out the tobyz. I don’t have hate coursing through me. Disgust and a sense of ethics is plenty, thanks. I grew up with decent, conservative parents and enthusiastically liberally-oriented older siblings.

    My reason for interest in NCC (since you asked) is based in how some very familiar locals did some dirty NCC politics on my dad back in the day:

    ‘Round about the time I was born, my dad was appointed by a GOPer governor to fill a died-in-office Democrat’s Northern NCC Levy Court seat.

    A young Democrat from dad’s Brandywine Hundred district, John Daniello, thought the seat was rightfully his and he took every opportunity to bite at dad’s heels like a pit bull.

    Dad’s GOPer counterpart on Levy Court, Southern NCCountian Harry Roberts, also put up a constant attack on my father, presumably because dad was an ethical and forthright leader and Harry was trying to do the kinds of slimy deals – FBI – Mario Capano – STING – that now stand forever as he and son Chris Roberts’ legacy.

    I don’t like sleaze balls especially when it comes to local politics, Tobz. I won’t vote for him but I am sure Paul could use your vote. It is certainly yours to cast.

  67. BTW, hilarious Paul Clark meltdown coming to YouTube soon. He had a snit fit today at the Chase Center while the cameras were rolling. He said that the problem with NCC is that I was allowed to attend the candidate debate this morning.

    He was unhappy that I was going to go home and tear him a new one.

    Adam Taylor already tweeted about it. Look for the story tomorrow.

  68. puck says:

    Wow, Nancy, you are like Batman. 🙂

  69. any moose says:

    I first read that as “fit today at Chuck E. Cheese.” Seems more in keeping with the maturity level, doesn’t it?

  70. tobyz says:

    That’s great Nancy. Sounds like your father was a good man. I’m sure you felt horrible when someone attacked him with unfounded allegations. It is tough when someone who doesn’t know you goes after your family. Why then do you attack Clark’s wife with such hatred? You are a one trick/ topic pony. Do you have anything better to do with your life? Seems to me you were scorned personally in some way. I don’t buy this altruistic sense of duty you say you have to the “truth.” You are definitely on a personal vendetta and have only rumor and gossip to support you.

    But really, I’m happy for you on being mentioned in public today. I’m sure it made your year. Milk it for what it’s worth. You’re a star now.

  71. I was too young to know anything about it. Siblings clued me in later. Problem is that he was attacked with false charges by smear artists who wanted him out. He was honest. They were crooked. Dad was attacked for his honesty. That is hardly the case with Pam Scott-Paul Clarky.

    Lots of classic Clarkisms today – WDEL is running some of it now during the work hour news.

    The guy can’t recognize or admit when he is being unethical. These deserve to be pointed out each and every time. And Pam’s disgusting role in destroying NCC heritage should and will be publicly exposed. In her own words.

  72. Here’s the YouTube. Too bad it stops just as Clark begins talking about how stupid ‘the masses’ are.

    To Clark, the few people who speak out in public meetings are the enemy. The UDC was written for these few while the mindless masses could give a shit.