Delaware Liberal

The County Executive Race Quandry

Last night I got polled on the County Executive race. (It was clearly a Clark poll because the possible responses to the question, “How much do you love Paul Clark? ranged from, “A whole lot” to “So gosh-darn much”.)

Anyway, for the first time in a long time, I said – “I gotto go!” to a pollster. First of all, I did have to go. But I am also at a loss on this one. Is this a two man race between a crook and a schnook? Are Shahan and Husband viable? I know nothing and this is one of those races that will be decided by the Dem primary.

County Executive

William F. Shahan, Jr. (2-24-12)
Paul G. Clark (2-29-12)
Thomas Gordon (5-21-12)
Jonathan W. Husband (6-5-12)

R’s Mark Blake (7-6-12)

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