Clark Goes off on Delaware Way’s Nancy Willing

Filed in National by on July 15, 2012

Paul, I understand Nancy can be a little annoying at times, but that is why we love her, because she holds politician’s feet to the fire. And this reaction is just a little bit…. shall we say… unhinged.

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  1. Wang_J says:

    lol The problem with New Castle County is Freedom of the Press hahaha

  2. puck says:

    First of all, Nancy is not a blogger. She is an activist with a blog.

    NCC politics is so boring even I can’t bring myself to follow it. So thanks for being here, Nancy. It would take ten regular bloggers to even try to replace your NCC reporting. Nancy proves once again 90% of life is just showing up.

  3. dbo999 says:

    Another one from the same youtube channel. Shahan speaks the truth about Clark’s corruption

  4. Jason330 says:

    “a system dee oped to appease a few people….”. WTF? Is he talking about the developers and thier lawyers?

  5. puck says:

    I think he means developers are the regular people, but people who question their plans are special interests and part of the fringe.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Some time ago when Clark was being pressed to televise Council meetings, he used the excuse that he was paranoid of what bloggers would do to shut the idea down.

    Which I guess means that Clark spends his day lurking in blogs, looking to see what we say about his sorry butt.

  7. anon says:

    The only politicians who are afraid of bloggers are the corrupt ones. I haven’t been reading Nancy’s blog, but now I will.

  8. Steve Newton says:

    Lord knows I disagree with Nancy on enough issues, but I’m sure as hell glad she’s out there everyday holding their feet to the fire.

  9. The forum was private for DEED members and the press – I innocently strolled in because Bill Shahan’s wife told me Bill was on a panel on Friday at the Chase Center. DEED is an organization comprising the development industry and environment-oriented – mostly brownfields. They let me stay because I know almost everyone and a consensus was quickly reached that I should stay as a blogger. Evidently Paul really didn’t want me in there.

    Clark got into trouble because he thinks of this group as ‘his own peeps’ and so he was mortified that I may have come at Tom Gordon’s invitation. I didn’t but that didn’t stop old Paranoid Paul from letting my presence get under his skin.

    Shahan did a great job.

    He mentioned one of the three examples which show Pam was the go to gal in land use right up until she got a job with Delmarva Power Co. a few months ago. Shahan talked about the incomplete paperwork for the Murphy House demolition permit get greased by a phone call from Scott.

    Check out the video of the demolition and let it sink in that this was orchestrated by Scott while Clark controlled land use dept. and the Historic Review Board.

    I am going to get Bill on video talking about the other two examples he’s got of first hand knowledge of the corruption and get that up on YouTube. Let the record stand.

    And thanks to the Delaware blogging community for all of you getting the word out. Will return the favor, natch! Even Charlie Copeland’s bllog has the video up today as does Kilroy.

  10. belblack56 says:

    funny, i thought the problem was the county exec and his wife getting rich from public service. geesh

  11. Josh says:

    Paul Clark, will be re-elected. He has been consistent irrelevant of what his wife is doing. My example is Sedgley Farms development and Stonewold off of Centerville road used to have a requirement of a minimum of 2 acres. It is now .5 because, developers asked for the change, and change is good. Paul Clark, has been consistent his entire time in elected office that you the homeowner be allowed to develop and sell your property as you see fit. Whether a corporation or an individual homeowner.

    Delaware, has changed and change is good. Lancaster pike used to be a 2 lane road and now is a four lane all the way to Hercules RD. That has happened all over the state. That is an outstanding thing that has happened. Change is good. If your mother sold you her house for a dollar beyond closing costs that’s her right and if you bulldoze the property and subdivide it that is your right as a home owner.

    Paul Clark, has been consistent on that. I won’t vote for Gordon, ever because I don’t want the county run like a police state. I don’t know the other guys and I like Paul.

  12. Another Mike says:

    Paul Clark has been consistent, all right. Consistently bad. You know, unless pandering to his wife’s clients and paving anything he can is your cup of tea. He might win because his three challengers split the vote, but certainly not because he’s been “outstanding.”

    And Josh, you don’t put commas between the subject and verb of a sentence.

  13. Another Mike says:

    Oh, and thanks Nancy for your persistence and your presence. It doesn’t matter whether people agree with you or not. You do a service just by being around.

  14. BTW, Paul, if you ever work something out with Luigi Vitrone, try the veal. It’s delicious.

  15. Geezer says:

    At least we now know that Paul Clark has a minion.

  16. I haven’t read the paper yet but my inbox is full of links to the Karl Kalbacher pay for play for Clark. I have heard of a few other employees doing the same but waiting for evidence.