Sign Wars: Gordon vs. Clark Rt 299 Odessa to Main Street Middletown

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012

Gordon holds slight edge in numbers and since he appears (based on his signs) to be running as the second coming of Barack Obama, I’ll add back the points I deducted for the theft of the Obama logo.

Clark sign’s are a bit perfunctory in both design and placement. If you have someone putting up signs, impress on those people that the signs should be upright and facing oncoming traffic.

Those are the only County executive signs I’ve seen so far.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    I saw a Kevin Wade bumper sticker in the Fairfax Shopping Center yesterday. I nearly lost consciousness.

  2. kavips says:

    Lol… you then were looking at the back of Jeff Craig’s car…

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    hahaha. Its funny. There is a house on Shipley that must be Cragg’s house since it is the only house in the state that has a Jeff Cragg sign out front.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I see the occasional sign for Gordon in the city’s 5th district, which, actually endorsed this guy for NCCo Exec. They also endorsed Chris Bullock for NCCo President.

  5. lindalap says:

    “this guy: ?” by that you mean our former police chief, co-author of the US crime bill, and leader of the most drastic financial turnaround in county history? that guy?

    The guy who was assassinated on trumped up charges by a federal prosecutor currently being investigated for his involvement in the Bain capital fraud? That guy?

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Assassinated? The cult following Gordon inspires really does see him as some kind of Christ-like martyr.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Cult is exactly right. This is the same guy who screwed his own pooch at the County and apparently seems to think he needs another bite at the apple to do it right.

    Don’t let me get in the way of the cult though.

  8. Geezer says:

    No, I think she was talking about the guy who illegally mingled what were supposed to be separate county accounts, the guy who killed off dozens of county programs and the guy who hired Sherry Freebery to run riot as his right-hand woman. THAT guy.

    Co-author of the US crime bill? Where’d that come from?

    OK, found it on his brag site. It couldn’t be a more bogus claim — even his lovely charts note that crime began decreasing long before the bill was drafted, let alone passed. “Fraud” would be a large step up for Tom Gordon.

  9. Venus says:

    Would everyone please put a Protack sign in their yard as soon as they arrive? And rumor has it they are pink :).

  10. tobyz says:

    One of the guys who works for me also works for DelDot. He said that Gordon has so many signs in the right-of-way that they are sending him out with a crew to collect them all at once. Outside of the 30 day window they cost $25/sign in fines + $15 each to retrieve. You would think his folks would know that, but I guess following the law is not really his thing.