Some guy quits the easiest job in the world

Filed in National by on July 17, 2012

Some pile of fetid lard guy quit a radio station devoted to getting gullible people angry.

WGMD talk show host Dan Gaffney said today he resigned from the conservative talk radio station. Gaffney said Wednesday, July 18 will be his last day with WGMD.

According to Gaffney’s Facebook page, he has worked on-and-off for the Rehoboth Beach radio station since 1986. Originally from Ohio, Gaffney, 49, and his wife, Becky Gaffney, live in Milford.

No mention on the WGMD site and he tweeted from WGMD 9 hours ago and didn’t mention anything:

DanGaffney Dan Gaffney
If I’m Penn State, I take down the Paterno statue and power wash Beaver stadium inside and out…sit out a year and totally revamp.
about 9 hours ago

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (34)

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  1. JTF says:

    Where’s the source of this?

  2. Jason330 says:

    Capegazette… H/t Chlorophil

  3. MJ says:

    The fat ass at WGMD is the afternoon talker, not Dan. Dan at least let his guests, even if they were progressive, get their views out there and didn’t interrupt them or cut them off; he politely disagreed with them. At least he did with me.

    The Limbaugh wannabe is Curley, not Dan. In fact, if Dan had to do it over again, he wouldn’t have hired Curley.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Thanks for the correction.

  5. chlorophil says:

    Dan is pretty oversize himself these days, not bill colley fat, but big.

    This is going to be a massive change. Dan is/was also the program director. Perhaps the station will move away from the uber conservative reputation it has cultivated?

    Dan will be hard to replace no matter what direction they decide to go.

  6. anon says:

    Dan used to do great stunts for charity on the air, like one time he was enclosed in a block of cement (or was it ice? Both maybe). He was always decent to callers, and definitely the smartest guy on the air at WGMD (a low bar to clear for sure).

    Too bad its not Colley leaving, he’s a vile scumbag on his nicest day.

  7. TommyRehoboth says:

    Gaffney tweeted the following this afternoon (and it shows on the WGMD website):

    “I’m sticking to my original promise to not speak publically about Sussex Counties worst kept secret until tomorrow. Big announcent in the AM.”

    Assuming he’s speaking publicly on his show, it broadcasts from 5:30 am (ouch) until 9:00.

  8. SussexWatcher says:

    Interesting timing. A Thursday departure, when he does a big live show from Pires’ place in Bridgeville every Friday, plus coming as the news director is on vacation, suggests this was not planned.

  9. Maybe he’s gonna be Pires’ press secretary. Likely pays better than WGOD.

  10. chlorophil says:

    but will pires need one after november?

    Also, Dan pretty much runs the place. I’m sure he’s been doing very well there.

  11. JPconnorjr says:

    Dan was above all else a good guy. I have known him 25 years first asp a competitor and later when I was using wgmd heavily to promote my business. For 6 years I did an adertising/ political show every Friday with Ron Letterman. My views were decidedly different than the stations. We had great fun I made money and each Christmas we raise a nice a,Lunt for Casa San Francisco. Dan was the manager and suported the show.I was thrilled a few weeks ago to come back with a modest schedule in the Jimmy’s remote. I will be stepping back to see what happens.

  12. JP Connor says:

    oops can not edit : Nice amount for Casa San Francisco

  13. SussexAnon says:

    Dan was a nice guy except when he is riling up the tea bag listeners. Which was just about all the time.

    He only became a little more sane when Bill Colley took the mantel of wing nuttery. Perhaps he listened and wondered “do I sound like a nutjob like him?”

  14. Aoine says:

    odd – saw Dan with his son the other day at the p[ool at Midway

    Just swin trunks on – he did not look oversized at all

    on the other hand – that fat slobbering pig Colley had not seen his dickey-do in YEARS
    never mind use it…….

  15. JPconnorjr says:

    The air personalities are the mere reflection of the owner an ex news guy, David Shoumacher. He makes the Koch brothers look liberal. Dan was 9 parts entertainer and 1 part ideologue. His primary role was to sell the sponsorships and the remote broadcasts. Make no mstake the station is a money making machine. In my time of association with the station roughly 96 to 06 there was not really fairness but there was access. Dan would have Pete on regularly as well as other democratic elected and appointed officials. I was part of the on air team for several elections. With dan’s departure and the atrocious afternoon voice now in the chair I suspect those days are gone forever.

  16. Grace says:

    I have never liked him since he fired Angel on Facebook last summer – never even had the decency to do it in person. Does not say much for his character. Maybe now Angel can come back!

  17. JPconnorjr says:

    With all due respect if you like the the lady are hanging around the wrong web site 😉

  18. Miscreant says:

    Good riddance to the arrogant douche bag. I hope he finds a nice job in his area of expertise – character assassination.

  19. Mike says:

    Interesting. I had started at WGMD about a month (maybe less) before Dan and was part of a younger group of staff there with him and a few others in 1986. At that time, he wasn’t a conservative at all. If I remember correctly, we were coworkers for a bit, then he was my boss, then he left for a bit, then he came back and I was his boss. Then I got sick of the place and moved on. Our daughters now dance at the same dance studio. #smalltownlife

  20. Miscreant says:

    “At that time, he wasn’t a conservative at all.”

    I’ve always said Gaffney is one paycheck away from any ideology.

  21. Aoine says:

    now that we have established WHAT he is – all we are haggling over is price….

  22. MJ says:

    I do know that Dan was tiring of the tone of politics from both sides.

  23. SussexAnon says:

    Perhaps Dan is tired. Either of being part and parcel to a monster he created, or part of a machine that he was unable to steer away from partisan vitriol.

    Dan did claim to be wild eyed liberal raging against anything his conservative dad was for. Then he found Jesus or something and the pendulum swings back in the other direction. Sort of a Bodie-light. Except without the drunk in a toga dancing in the georgetown circle fountain.

    Meh, either that or he is coming out of the closet. LOL

  24. Angel says:

    Rumor on Facebook is that he’s starting a Christian podcast with his wife – the question is, was it forced? It’s difficult to get a podcast picked up and get paid advertisers. The timing is really odd IMO, then again, I’m not exactly a non-biased individual…

  25. SussexWatcher says:

    Looks like they’ve already started …

  26. MJ says:

    He’s been doing the podcasts for weeks now.

  27. Angel says:

    yeah, he has been doing the podcast for awhile, people are saying that’s all that he’ll be doing now. Maybe he got an enticing offer for stations to pick up that podcast – I’m sure he has plenty of contacts to local advertisers. He has the equipment to put that show on a satellite feed to be picked up by other stations. Again, I think the timing is odd.

  28. chlorophil says:

    Bitter much, Angel?

  29. Selander retweeted this today:

    Dan Gaffney ‏@DanGaffney
    Just answered a personal call from a restricted number. Thank you for the kind words Governor Jack Markell. It means a lot to me.

  30. Angel says:

    Oh please chlorophil, I can show you bitter, this is me being nice as hell based on the way I was treated by that man (and I use that term loosely) 😉 but as I already stated, I’m not non-biased, and I sure as hell don’t have to justify myself to an anonymous random comment. I’ve actually been wondering if this will mean things in the 41st district election…

  31. anon says:

    Angel “that man” took a big chance by giving you a great job that you were barely – if at all – qualified for. You were canned by email because apparently no one could get in touch with you any other way, and you needed to be canned because you sucked. The last thing the Sussex airwaves needed was another whiny tea partier.

  32. xstryker says:

    I’m glad to see our Sussex readership is broadening. I’ve followed Gaffney’s Twitter feed, he seems relatively reasonable for a Republican – ie he seems to understand the difference between facts and opinions.

  33. SussexAnon says:

    Gaffney was a firestarter. He would say things just to get people riled up. He only became “more sane” when Colley was hired to do the real red meat work.

    But make no mistake, he had a Republican bent.

    Firing someone on Facebook is a classless act. How many radio shows have you had Anon? Even Howard Stern got fired from radio jobs before finding his groove.

    I am still waiting to hear what the real reason was for Dan leaving. I love the hypocracy of agent provacateurs requesting privacy.

  34. Miscreant says:

    “The last thing the Sussex airwaves needed was another whiny tea partier.”

    I believe she describes herself as a Democratic Libertarian. That’s almost like she would blow Ron Paul, but wouldn’t swallow. That being said, I agree with her that Gaffney was a fucking coward.

    “I am still waiting to hear what the real reason was for Dan leaving. I love the hypocracy of agent provacateurs requesting privacy.”

    Word. He took great delight is using the microphone (as well as the hang-up button and the mute switch) as a bully pulpit, and to humiliate people. Disagree, and it was usually a short conversation. I predict he’ll be back to radio if this Jesus thing doesn’t pay out.