Delaware Liberal

Romney campaign now viewed as incompetent

This is a big win for team Obama. the fallout from Romney’s Bain/tax secrecy disasters isn’t coming in the form of moving impossible to move partisans and decided voters, it is coming in the form of a general consensus that Romney is running a poor campaign.

This is an important development because it will shade the horse race narrative over the next few months. Reporters and editors will pick up on anecdotes that support the narrative that Team Romney sucks, and stories will turn in that direction. Every Romney decision will be dissected to discern the level of panic that went into it. The net/net is that the squishy middle that votes on their gut feeling rather than any understanding of policy will flee Romney who they will regard as a loser, and be drawn closer to Obama who they will regard as a winner.

One caveat, or course, is that in a post citizens united world Romney has a remedy for the situation in the form of BAZILLION dollars worth of negative ads at the ready. He has already shown a willingness to sign on an any lie that he feels could move the needle, so the super pacs ads will be extremely toxic.

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