Romney Bain/tax secrecy moves betting markets – Obama back to 57%

Filed in National by on July 19, 2012

It has taken a day or so to filter into the futures price at intrade and IEM, but you can clearly see the effect that the Bain/Tax secrecy issue is having on Romney. It is still a marathon, and the Rove’s super-pac has yet to unleash it’s most toxic, hate filled stuff, so this number will go up and down. Nevertheless, I like the trend-line.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Now Obama is going to hang the Ryan budget around Romney’s neck. This is awesome if it plays out:

    The Obama Strategy: Bain Softens Up Romney For The Real Blow: the Ryan Budget

    The campaign found in focus groups that people simply did not believe Romney’s actual policies were what they were. They thought it was all attacks and no one would really want to voucherize Medicare, give more tax breaks to the wealthy, etc.

    Nobody really paid attention to the Ryan budget. But now there will be the force of a Presidential campaign to educate voters on it. And it is a rich target for the themes from the left that Obama has been developing.

    Every downticket Republican will be forced to defend the Ryan budget. It will keep Romney off balance again.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I had been wondering about Kovach’s take on the Ryan budget. Not too much though, because he isn’t really shaping up to be a credible candidate.

  3. puck says:

    LOL… apparently David Stockman called the Ryan budget “The last will and testament of the Republican Party.”

    Every rail in the Ryan budget is a third rail. This would be a good time for Obama to turn the power back on, now that every Republican is standing on it.

  4. Andrew Groff says:

    Kovach wears no clothes. He hasn’t put forth any policy positions that we’re plagiarized from another source. Even his stump speeches are derived from other candidate’s web sites. The Republicans are already dead in this state. If it weren’t for the Libertarians trying to breath some life back into them, the body would already be cold.

    Note to Tom, can you get back that filing fee? The timing is all wrong on this one.

  5. PainesMe says:

    He’s a guy who has never won a general election; I struggle to see how Kovach is a rising R star in this state. Seems to me like this campaign may be the final nail in Tom’s political coffin.

    I also believe it’s too late to get back the money. Tough breaks all around.