Delaware Liberal

Outsourcing Under President Romney

With new revealations coming out about Romney’s work to outsource 10s of thousands of jobs to India, Mexico and Burma, it is worth taking a moment to try and figure out what Romney would outsource in the unlikely event that he becomes President.

Defense: China. What they lack in firepower they more than make up for low wage labor. bonus, if we get attacked by China, well have troops already in country saving millions in transportation costs.

Health and Human Services: Denmark has a good handle on this. The preventive health care and human services (like family planning and birth control) would save more millins in downstream remediation.

Department od EducTion: Mexico. Since the majority of Americans will be speaking Spanish by 2040, outsourcing the DOE to Mexico just makes good sense.

Medicaid and Social Security: Somalia. This is a no brainier. Somalia already has the social safety net free market firing on all cylinders.

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