Mike Castle lamented the future Colorado tragedy in 2004

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 23, 2012

Colorado Murder Gun Was Illegal Till 2004

— by Dave Johnson

The weapon the guy used in Colorado — and assault rifle with a drum magazine that can hold 100 rounds — was illegal under the federal assault weapons ban.

But the federal assault weapons ban was killed by Republicans in 2004,

Reps. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., said they were disheartened. “My leadership is playing Russian roulette,” Shays said. “There will be without question a horrific crime committed without an assault weapon ban, and every member of Congress will have to ask where were they on this issue.”

Castle said gun manufacturers have offered discounts and pre-orders for months. “The gunmakers are salivating,” he said. “I hate to think of what can happen now.”

Heck of a job GOP Congress! Way to go guys. You were bought off by the NRA plain and now you have blood on your hands. Yes. It is that simple.

The public wanted the ban extended but what the public wants doesn’t count. USA Today: Popularity can’t extend ’94 assault weapon ban,

The law’s demise is playing out against a curious backdrop: Several polls have indicated that there is broad public support for the ban, and both President Bush and Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry say they support it.

… Meanwhile, a poll released this week by the National Annenberg Election Survey found that 68% of Americans support renewing the ban.

68% wanted it extended. It was effective. But the NRA had the big money…

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    “People can’t be free if they are constantly at the mercy of an armed nut.”

    Another great bit of writing about our society and how it allows events like the Aurora murders to happen.

  2. Jason330 says:

    The tyranny of the armed nut is the price we pay for the ability to pretend that gun ownership prevents tyranny by the government.

  3. j marie says:

    Well it is a terrifying thought that only the police and military be armed. However, as a former gun owner, I can see no point for owning anything larger than a 12 gauge shotgun for self defense. This business of owning large caliber assault rifles and building personal armories is a symptom of how stupid our society is becoming. It is not necessary. Right now in Arizona, I could be a jobless 20 year old and purchase 30,000 worth of weapons without a question and it would be illegal to put my name on a registry. BS. If they can keep a registry of alarm users, they can do one with gun users.

  4. Jason330 says:

    The stupidity arises from the fact that the NRA is wealthy enough (and despicable enough) to lobby successfully against anything that could possibly, remotely be perceived as gun control. Even when common sense measures enjoy widespread public support.

  5. John Manifold says:

    As Joe Biden said in his debate with Ray Clatworthy, “I stood with Bill Roth and Mike Castle on the assault weapons ban.”

  6. The Man says:


  7. @John Manifold–

    As Joe Biden said in his debate with Ray Clatworthy, “I stood with Bill Roth and Mike Castle on the assault weapons ban.

    That would be great if the “ban” actually accomplished anything. It did not. All “banned” weapons and magazines were widely available during the phony “ban”, so long as those weapons or magazines were produced before the “ban”.

    I legally purchased a high capacity magazine during the “ban”.

    The “assault weapons ban” was a total misnomer and it was nothing more than liberal feel-good BULLSHIT. This was just Bill Clinton and the Democrats paying off Sarah Brady and HCI.

    FWIW, I own one firearm. I haven’t fired it since new year’s day 1994, and it’s been locked in a gun safe since 2002. I am not, nor will I EVER be a member of the NRA. However, I do know bullshit when I see it, and the “assault weapons ban” was complete bullshit.

  8. @Jason330-

    Please explain the difference between a semi-automatic hunting rifle and an “assault rifle”. Then tell me whether the people in the survey you cited can explain the difference. (hint–differences between the 2 are largely cosmetic–there is no mechanical difference between a hunting rifle and an AR-15 “assault weapon”.)