Delaware Liberal

Mike Castle lamented the future Colorado tragedy in 2004

Colorado Murder Gun Was Illegal Till 2004

— by Dave Johnson

The weapon the guy used in Colorado — and assault rifle with a drum magazine that can hold 100 rounds — was illegal under the federal assault weapons ban.

But the federal assault weapons ban was killed by Republicans in 2004,

Reps. Christopher Shays, R-Conn., and Michael Castle, R-Del., said they were disheartened. “My leadership is playing Russian roulette,” Shays said. “There will be without question a horrific crime committed without an assault weapon ban, and every member of Congress will have to ask where were they on this issue.”

Castle said gun manufacturers have offered discounts and pre-orders for months. “The gunmakers are salivating,” he said. “I hate to think of what can happen now.”

Heck of a job GOP Congress! Way to go guys. You were bought off by the NRA plain and now you have blood on your hands. Yes. It is that simple.

The public wanted the ban extended but what the public wants doesn’t count. USA Today: Popularity can’t extend ’94 assault weapon ban,

The law’s demise is playing out against a curious backdrop: Several polls have indicated that there is broad public support for the ban, and both President Bush and Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry say they support it.

… Meanwhile, a poll released this week by the National Annenberg Election Survey found that 68% of Americans support renewing the ban.

68% wanted it extended. It was effective. But the NRA had the big money…

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