Delaware Liberal

Sher Valenzuela’s Hypocrisy

I meant to get to this last week when I first saw it, but time gets away from us so easy. Anyway, Republican Propaganda Channel, otherwise known downstate as WGMD, tells us that presumptive GOP Lt. Governor nominee Sher Valenzuela wants starting and growing a business to be an easier endeavor.

So, she’s creating a business accelerator with the help of Delaware State University to help others travel through the minefield of government bureaucracy to help them find and use resources already available. To find out more go to Valenzuela’s campaign website at

I was intrigued, so I went to her website to learn more, and guess what. There is nothing at all on any page of the website about this business accelerator idea. Perhaps that is because Sher realized … either independently or from order from upon high …. that small businesses don’t need any help from anyone, and surely they don’t need government resources and grants, for that would interfere with Mitt Romney’s false “You Didn’t Build That” campaign. Indeed, I wonder if Sher Valenzuela and her husband took advantage of government resources, grants or credits in starting and growing their business.

A reporter should look into that. And into presumptive Republican gubernatorial nominee Jeff Cragg’s Mailbox, Etc. business. Because if either of them received help from the Government, then they should be endorsing and campaigning for Barack Obama’s reelection, rather than pursuing a false lying “You Didn’t Build That” campaign with Mitt Romney.

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