Archive for July, 2012

Thursday Daily Delawhere [7.19.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2012 1 Comment
Thursday Daily Delawhere [7.19.12]

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One Battle Won In the GOP War on Women

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012 2 Comments

A federal judge in Nebraska dismissed one of the lawsuits brought over the ACA’s requirement that all employers offer their female employees birth control.

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Late Night Video — Sununu as a Limbaugh Puppet

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012 1 Comment

John Sununu has been a prominent surrogate for Mitt Romney (one who left the Bush 1 White House in utter disgrace), and got sent out to attack the President with the usual pathetic socialist, marxist, lazy negro dog whistles. Charles Blow and Joy Reid talked with Lawrence O’Donnell about this last night. See for yourself (approx 9 quick minutes):

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Happy 94th Birthday Nelson Mandela

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012 0 Comments

I always show this clip from Invictus’ when talking about authentic leadership in an organizational behavior class that I teach.

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Wednesday Open Thread [7.18.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 18, 2012 17 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [7.18.12]

Two more days til the weekend, but if you are anything like me you are still working overtime to escape this heinous weather. There’s a massive and serious drought in the Midwest — where crops of corn and soy are suffering. That means higher prices for food (and maybe gas) shortly. Even in Delaware, the […]

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New Weekly Feature – Local Music Scene Report

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, Delaware by on July 18, 2012 19 Comments
New Weekly Feature – Local Music Scene Report

Hello Delaware Liberal (and the Conservative readership too, I can be bipartisan)!

I’m Rachel Schain.  You’ve been seeing the ad for my first CD, Happy Happy, in the upper right corner of this blog for, oh, about two years now.  That very brightly colored one.  You’ll have a new one as soon as my next CD, LilacFace, is released (the band and I were in the studio this weekend, and I cannot wait to put this out).  I happen to be Upstate Delaware’s Favorite Musician, according to the 2011 Best of Delaware poll.  My reign continues this year thanks to the fact that they didn’t include the category in the 2012 survey.

You might be wondering why I’m blogging here.  Well, the good folks at DL came to me, knowing that I’m fairly plugged into the local music scene.  I’ll be giving you weekly recommendations for your weekend rocking pleasure.  In the comments, let me know if you want me to include Philly and NJ shows or just Wilmington/Newark area shows.  

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Romney campaign now viewed as incompetent

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012 6 Comments

This is a big win for team Obama. the fallout from Romney’s Bain/tax secrecy disasters isn’t coming in the form of moving impossible to move partisans and decided voters, it is coming in the form of a general consensus that Romney is running a poor campaign.

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The Polling Report [7.18.12]

Filed in National by on July 18, 2012 8 Comments
The Polling Report [7.18.12]

I got tired of looking at Michigan tied and wondering why there had been no further polling out of it in a month. So I went to the TPM Poll Tracking site. There, I found that the most recent poll conducted on the presidential level in Michigan was one that I must have missed. The poll was conducted by Marist showing a 4 point lead for Obama, 47% to 43%. Thus, this will move the state to Slim Obama. And I also got tired of seeing Missouri shaded blue when I know Romney leads that state. The reason for that was that the most recent poll not conducted by Rasmussen was a poll done in March showing Obama ahead by 2. The current TPM Polling average for the state is Romney ahead by 4. So we are going to go with that for now, and that changes Missouri to Slim Romney. We also have new polls today out of Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, New Hampshire and New York. Our map now looks like this:

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [7.18.12]

Filed in Delaware by on July 18, 2012 2 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [7.18.12]

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Late Night Video — Jon Stewart Piles On Bain

Filed in National by on July 17, 2012 5 Comments

Oh yes, and this is hysterical.  Unfortunatly, it spans two videos, so there is that.  It is worth it, I promise you:

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Some guy quits the easiest job in the world

Filed in National by on July 17, 2012 34 Comments

Some pile of fetid lard guy quit a radio station devoted to getting gullible people angry.

WGMD talk show host Dan Gaffney said today he resigned from the conservative talk radio station. Gaffney said Wednesday, July 18 will be his last day with WGMD.

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Jerry Grant Kicks Off His Campaign This Thursday

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 17, 2012 4 Comments

Jerry Grant, who is running in the Democratic Primary to replace Rep. Terry Schooley in the 23rd RD, has his official kickoff event this Thursday.  He will be introduced by none other than…Terry Schooley. Here is the official announcement: Grant to Kickoff Campaign for 23rd District Former city councilmember, small business owner launching bid for […]

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Build the stage

Filed in National by on July 17, 2012 29 Comments

This ad from Priorities USA is devastating. Romney made $100 million when Bain purchased then shuttered this profitable paper mill which was running three shifts a day prior to the Romney take over.

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