Delaware Liberal

Horses lost years ago, GOP moderates now consider open barn door problematic

There have been a surge of stories about bewildered GOP “moderates” who have recently discovered that they belong to a political party that stands for strident cluelessness and lunacy.

Rep. Steve LaTourette, a key ally of House Speaker John A. Boehner and one of a dwindling number of congressional GOP moderates, issued a broadside against an increasingly polarized House on Tuesday, as he formally announced he will not seek a 10th term.

News of the Ohio Republican’s decision had leaked on Monday and he acknowledged at a news conference in his Painesville district that he was leaving local Republicans in the lurch by stepping out with only 100 days left before the November election.

But he said he had come to believe the personal toll of holding office outweighed his ability to get things done in a divided and bitter Washington.

“I have reached the conclusion that the atmosphere today and the reality that exists in the House of Representatives no longer encourages the finding of common ground,” he said.

Ya think?

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