Conservative 6 Year Old Auditions For The Next CPAC

Filed in National by on August 2, 2012

What parent in their right mind would make this video of their child – and post it on YouTube?


Here’s the blurb under the video:

Isaac Anthony is a conservative six-year-old who knows where he stands on political issues and the upcoming Presidential election.

Yeah, right.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (41)

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  1. Aoine says:

    Child abuse

  2. Linda says:

    that is disgusting on so many levels I won’t even dignify with any more words . . .

  3. Dave says:

    Unfortunately parents like this are permitted to be parents. It’s actually sad and like Linda, I’m kind of speechless.

  4. j marie says:

    Damn.. they should have “you’ve got to be carefully taught” playing in the background.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    I’m sure there’s a mirror image of this this child, mirror imaged proud parents, somewhere in talibanistan…probably same with he Al Aqsa Martyers Brigade too!

    Like what Bill Maher recently said, paraphrasing…

    “If a (kid) can deliver your message, it’s not because he’s gifted. It’s because intellectually, you’re a child.”

    “When boys sound exactly like you do and can produce radio shows and books and speeches that sound like yours, maybe you should rethink the shit that’s coming out of your mouth.”

    Hammer, meet nail

  6. WWB says:

    It would have been bad enough if they had been telling him to say things that were true! But this is the perfect thing for conservatives…they can’t understand any argument that is made by someone older or smarter than an elementary school student.

    “I know you are, but what am I? I know you are, but what am I?….”

  7. kavips says:

    Simply put, conservatives are sick. When we let them near government, our government gets sick.

  8. That is so cute. You can agree or disagree, but to act like this is not a good thing to engage children in a reasoned discussion at their level is wrong. I give it an A plus and congratulate the family for instilling such a sense of civic responsiblity and for naming their baby Levi.

    Would I disagree with a couple of details? Sure. Is it horrible or disgusting? No way, it is cute and wonderful.

  9. Child abuse is found in liberal policies that encourage sex without consequences, permisive parenting, and the break up of the family which leads to more poor children, more broken hearts, more falling into a life of crime, and institutionalized disenfranchisement, Aonie.

  10. puck says:

    You mean like the Catholic Church?

  11. Geezer says:

    And I’m sure David can provide lots of links to the research supporting his assertions.

  12. heragain says:

    That makes me so sad. He has no idea what he’s saying. It must have taken, I don’t know how long, to film this, when he could have been doing something that was personally meaningful to him. It’s bound to bring him positive attention from idiots, which always turns out badly for children.

    It’s totally sad.

  13. socialistic ben says:

    RD, i think laws requiring loveless parents to stay together is the best thing for children. we should also never tell them anything about sex and let them figure it out on their own….. im sure they will find the proper information and utilize it responsibly.

  14. pandora says:

    “sex without consequences”

    And there it is, folks. The entire point of David’s comment. It isn’t about the sex. It’s about the consequences… punishment.

  15. Aoine says:

    @David – for your information – I come from an intact, conservative family – with Zero permissiveness

    I live in an intact family – I dont believe in corporal punishment for my children,I also dont believe in indoctrination either.

    I believe with presenting them all the facts – in a open and honest discussion, in a way THEY ca understad. AT 6, my kids had NO idea what welfare and food stamps even were, they knew only that they were fortunate and other kids were hungry, so when they had extra or got new things, they learned CHARITY

    they also learned FAITH and HOPE and most of all LOVE – for themselves and their world – as evidenced by the WHO they have become – and yes I am very proud of they way they act and self-determine.

    That little boy does not know, nor can conceive of the ideas behind drilling and mining, no less welfare and feod stamps – If this is conservative – no wonder you are all paranoid and small-minded

    your intellects were stunted at a young age – you all obviously need an outside structure to rein your human side in – you dont trust yourselves to be real.

    How sad and emotionally depleted a life is that!

  16. Aoine says:

    seeimg as Barak Obama’s family broke up when he was a child – I dont see a:




    and institutionally disenfranchised man

    I see the current and NEXT President of these United States

    SO much for your theory…………..

  17. Republican David says:

    I see President Obama raised by an family that cared with his grandparents, who were married -man and woman, before that his step father and mother. It is not biology, it is structure,values, and education.

    Once again even if that were not the case, which it is, I pointed out that people are more likely not universally are….

    There are messed up people from traditional families. Some have several children who are successful, but one chooses poorly. There are well adjusted people who did okay fro=m a lifetime of foster care and institutions. Yet no one would suggest most children should be raised that way because we know the most successful way is a stable family.

  18. Republican David says:

    You choose not to teach your children about drilling and mining. I did because they were curious about where gas came from and where their cans came from. Just because you deprived your child of information at 6 doesn’t mean others do.

    Your problem is simply that you don’t agree. That is fair. The response to shut it down or that it is child abuse is ridiculous. The fact is that it is good. I suppose you have problems with kids in second grade writing their Congressman about saving the planet or doing an ad on TV for a car. I don’t. I just take into account that the source is a child. It is cute and I think good that people will have discussions with their children. That is what teaches them how to think deeply when they get older.

  19. Republican David says:

    SB, I think it is vital to talk to your children about sex or someone else will who may not have their interests at heart. Sex is wonderful, but like a fire if contained properly it is most valuable, but uncontained it is highly destructive. The best way to benefit mutually and society is a man and woman being married. They need to know how, but also when, and why. That likely escapes the free thinking progressive types, but I say it anyway if one gets it, it is worth it.

  20. pandora says:

    David, I am extremely interested in exactly what you say to your children about sex. I have read your comments over the years on this subject and get your moral argument. What I’ve never seen is what you’ve told your children about the biological and emotional aspects to sex.

    If you decide to answer, can you ballpark your children’s ages – since discussing sex with a nine year old is a very different conversation than discussing sex with a 15 year old.

  21. Republican David says:

    I agree with you. When children are younger, you celebrate the covenant of marriage, when they are around 11 or 12 you start having more inclusive conversations feeling out what they are ready for, by 14 you pretty much have covered it all and reenforce for the rest of time with open conversations. I like my children to know that sex is a subject to be discussed like any other. My wife feels a little less comfortable discussing it because that is not how she was raised, but it is important for kids to know that married people enjoy it not just singles. If the kids hang around too late, there is nothing wrong with saying okay get out of here your mom and I are going to have sex and your on our time. It opens a discussion weeks later where you get to share the value and the values that go around it. You get to distinguish between the consequences of sex in an intact marriage and shacking up. You get to tell them that even playing house (shacking) is better than casual sex with no commitment. Sex is good, loveless, disease prone, jumping from partner to partner is bad.

    Love your spouse, it is the best sex education.

  22. Republican David says:

    Here is what my daughter who will turn 14 in a few days posted on her Facebook about me. I was humbled.

    Today is my dad’s birthday, I won’t tell you how old he’s turning though ;D. Lol but he made a huge difference in my life. Without him I don’t know whatI would do. He’s such a great role model for me. I never saw him cuss before, he’s ordained, and he serves our country. And he’s there for me when I needhim. I hope this day is perfect for him.

    They get it. If you love them and stand with them, they will listen. They may not always agree, but they will listen. Kids are like anyone else, when they know how much you care, then they care how much you know. Many times we want them to respect how much we know before we give them the respect of showing how much we care. It doesn’t work that way.

    I say what I believe and not merely believe what I say. I live it and love it.

    From what I read from you over the years Pandora, I think you get that. I think your family will be just fine. Congratulations on sending one off to college. I root for the best for your family.

  23. pandora says:

    Now see… your comment is pretty much all about you. πŸ˜‰ You didn’t tell me how you discuss what your kids are facing every day.

    What questions/situations do they come to you with?

  24. Republican David says:

    I was thinking about the fact that 8 children have gone through our house for more than 30 days. Only 4 were ours, my stepsons and my son and daughter. We had one teen who stayed with us 3 years. 3 kids we cared for pretty much unofficially as they crashed with us more days of the week than home with the permission of their alcoholic stepmother who had full custody because neither the father or mother could be bothered until we found them a relative who would step up when we took them to their family reunion. The kids that were viewed as troublemakers were now respectful, obedient, happy, working hard at school, and going to church. Before they were in trouble with the law, failing, and hanging around would be gangs. Once they were cared for, people wanted them.

    Our teen foster girl emulated our values when she stayed with us because it gave her purpose and hope. She stayed out of trouble where before she wasn’t. It changed her life. Even to this day, she knows we love her no matter what and she can always drop by home, she has considered us one of her homes even more than….
    We did have a falling out at one point because in college she had an abortion. I could hardly speak to her, I was so hurt. I didn’t return her calls directly, I would have my wife give her the messages because it was too painful, but she committed to not having another and all is well they now have two beautiful daughters that I enjoy playing with when they come back to Delaware. Love overcomes all. GOD convicted my spirit that He is her judge and if He forgives her what right do I have to stay hurt. At some point you have to forgive and reconcile, we all fall down in one way or another, our job is to restore one another and keep moving forward together. She is a wonderful young lady who fell in love with a wonderful Muslim man who shares our values of life, family, and free markets. I am thankful for the lady she became despite horrific struggles early in life. Her kids get an interesting religious choice when they are older Dad’s or Mom’s.

    My stepsons are both productive Christian men in their 20’s, married with very young children. I am quite proud of them. They grew up with me most of their years. We are pretty close as adults. I love them, their spouses, and children. Especially since their children mug me for hugs, piggy back rides, and other fun activities the first hour of any visit by pop pop David.

    My kids are 14 and 12, A girl and a boy. They are two of the most wonderful people that I know. They blow away the state testing with 4’s in all categories. My son actually had 5’s in Math and Science in for distinguished in the state with the DSTP. They are people of faith who volunteer at church, helping us with the homeless ministry, and yes with politics. Our family had a wonderful visit with my good friend Christine O’Donnell for a few hours yesterday. You would have thought my daughter hit the pick 4 she was so happy. She even Facebooked it to her admiring friends who wanted autographs.

    We are a centered family based upon faith, hope, and love.

    Our family mission is to live 1 Corinthians 13. We have faith in GOD which animates everything we do, hope for the future which is why we value education, and love is the governing law of our home. You get the love down and everything else works out.

  25. Republican David says:

    I know you want us to get into personal discussions, but they are personal, my point is that the kids listen because they know we only have their best interests at heart. We have dealt with all age ranges and these values work.

    You get all sorts of questions from why is marriage better to when do you know if you love someone? You get questions about how do you handle friends concerns when they talk with you about certain issues. You get questions about how to handle yourself on a date. How do you avoid being pressured into having sex. Is making out good or bad? When am I allowed to date and how? How do I find a person to spend my life with? Why do you emphasize finding someone that I share core values with?

  26. Republican David says:

    Yes, my daughter even challenged why gay couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry in one discussion. I am happy to discuss these things respectfully, dispassionately, and openly. You can challenge them back to research with you the history of marriage and its benefits, purpose, and structure. She. of course. gets it. Of course the fact that even with my own kids the propaganda by the “Marriage Equity” folks had to be seriously addressed shows the march they are making. That is why I take it very seriously and challenge it frequently. I know others need to hear it.

  27. Republican David says:

    In our house, it is understood sex is for marriage. If someone fails in that, we do not approve but we still will love you just the same because we approve of you. Some people will disagree with me with my dogged emphasis on marriage, but I waited and it saved me a lot of grief. I want the same for my children. The only person that I had sex with is my wife. The only people she had sex with are her ex-husband and me. We do exist. We want our children to do the same.

    I do say that if you decide at one point not to heed my words, at least don’t be stupid and make a bad decision a permanently bad one. Use protection. I had one of my step kids actually take some condoms which was understood there would be no questions asked until he brought it up. He was tempted and played it smart to be ready if he didn’t handle it right. Don’t let one moment govern your life. The best way to ensure that happens is to make wise decisions. Condoms break, and pills don’t always work, but chastity and fidelity work every time they are tried. I think condoms are a nice tool in a marriage when combined with natural family planning. I believe every family should know about NFP. It is chemical free and helps you when you want to have children and when you with to delay having children. It is quite effective. We use NFP as our primary birth regulation and have only had our planned pregnancies. We don’t believe in polluting the body with chemicals unless medically necessary. We don’t even drink sodas (my son is a little bit of a soda rebel and drinks it about once a month ) in our house let alone alcohol or take drugs.

  28. Linda says:

    @Republican David “Your problem is simply that you don’t agree. That is fair. The response to shut it down or that it is child abuse is ridiculous. It is cute and I think good that people will have discussions with their children. That is what teaches them how to think deeply when they get older.”

    Are you kidding if you consider this good parenting with all you just wrote about how awesome you are and can honestly defend it . . . he is 6 years old. I don’t care what his (obviously his parent(s)) party affiliation is . . . this is wrong!

  29. Republican David says:

    It is right and proper. I celebrate it.

    Awesome parent, I doubt it, successful, yes. So far, so good. I only discussed that because the premise is that no parent in their right mind…. I think only parents in their right mind would.

  30. Republican David says:

    Yes, Geezer, I can provide links, but I have done so over time on my own site. As I recall you commented on one of them. discussion and links are there.

  31. Linda says:

    @Republican David Wow . . . to put a 6 year old child out on display to promote a political message that an adult parent can absolutely promote is pathetic! To endanger any child in that way by putting him on YouTube is child abuse given the volatility of this election. What if some nut job decided to make a name for himself and hurt this little boy . . . oh yeah these parents are in their right minds – – I forgot!

  32. cassandra m says:

    Even worse, is that this 6-year old’s parents put him on display to lie. Not alot of values being taught there, that’s for sure.

  33. Republican David says:

    What is wrong with a political message? If the kid were singing lady gaga or rapping T-Pain, I doubt you would be flipping out. Politics is a good part of life and we should take our children to vote with us and tell them our views. I celebrate it. It isn’t dirty or something. It is civic engagement. No wonder part of our country is so apathetic if you teach your children politics is something yucky. Then again I hope you do and your children stay home until they agree with me. πŸ™‚

  34. Republican David says:

    Linda, nut jobs do what they do. They much more likely to see the child in the park and plan something. The child is in no danger by going on you tube. That is paranoia.

    Cassandra, the Obama campaign lies on Romney everyday and you celebrate it. I don’t think there was one lie in the 10. I think there are a couple of misunderstandings or oversimplifications, but then again you are listening to a six year old. I don’t think the President wants to take guns away, but he would limit the rights if he could get away with it. I don’t think he wants Americans to stand in long lines to see the doctor though in the long run that may be the effect of the health care bill. We do know where he was born by preponderance of the evidence, Hawaii, but a lot of people honestly don’t know that. They aren’t lying, they are ignorant.

    Like any political video it is subject to debate. That is healthy. Avoiding debate is not. It is the latter you wish to do because it is so effective and cute.

  35. Linda says:

    @ Republican David Like you I have done a pretty good job so far. 4 daughters with Master’s Degrees in Nursing. But please do not placate me by telling me that I equate civic engagement to lady gaga or whomever T-Pain is on YouTube. I too celebrate family values and what is apathetic is whether we espouse different political views as parents we still must share and place the same inherent value on our children and that is not to endanger their safety because of our political agenda, sir!

  36. cassandra m says:

    Cassandra, the Obama campaign lies on Romney everyday and you celebrate it.

    The lying is being done by the Olympic-class liar, Mitt Romney. That is being well documented. We are listening to a six-year old who was fed that crap by his parents. The outtakes tell the tale. And there is no debate when you start with a bunch of lies in the first place. Which, apparently, is the only MO so-called “Values Voters” have. And shame on you for being here and helping to perpetuate these lies and encouraging people to break the commandments. Which I guess you want posted in public buildings as a reminder of what you won’t be abiding by.

  37. SussexAnon says:

    The funny part will be in 6 years when this kid looks at this video and disavows all of it. Much like the last young CPAC darling that graced conservative circles.

    Seems like Conservatives are having to dig younger and younger. Fitting, given how childish the views are.

    “Cassandra, the Obama campaign lies on Romney everyday and you celebrate it.”
    Not to be picky, but is this grammitcally correct? I don’t think you “lie on” someone. You either “lay on” someone or you “lie about”.
    Unless, of course, Cassandra celebrates some Obama-on-Romney lovin’

  38. heragain says:

    The problem here is that the child isn’t expressing his opinions. He’s delivering lines, and badly. Everyone DID watch until the end, didn’t you? When the ‘bloopers’ showed that he couldn’t even pronounce the words they wrote for him, and had no idea what he was talking about.
    That transcends any nonsense about the content.

  39. X Stryker says:

    Future atheist for sure.

  40. Aoine says:

    So David- what I see from your posts is:

    As long as the kids do well- please you- and function at a good academic level- you love them

    That friend is called CONDITIONAL LOVE

    when the one child had an abortion in college you disavowed her- nice going there sunshine
    Here is this young girl- you supposedly love- and because YOU are hurt- you refuse to talk with her
    What that tells me is that you are only capable of CONDITIONAL Love – no wonder the kids say what they say- they have SEEN what you will do if they step out of line- you will withhold your live for them

    THAT _alone tells me all I ever want to know about you-
    That tells me you are a sanctimonious prick

    Jesus Christ taught us about unconditional love- according to good Christians Like you he died for us- he forgave the robber on the cross
    He at least knew about unconditional love

    Pity you missed the greatest lesson of them all

  41. anon says:

    The bloopers at the end clearly reveal that his parents wrote the script for the video and the kid had no idea what he was talking about. Anyone who thinks this kid did the video with no coaching or scripting by adults is deluded. The kid is basically a trained circus chimp.