Read this in its entirety about the whole Chick-fil-A bigots love chicken battle, but especially this part:
This isn’t about mutual tolerance because there’s nothing mutual about it. If we agree to disagree on this issue, you walk away a full member of this society and I don’t. There is no “live and let live” on this issue because [Chick-Fil-A CEO] Dan Cathy is spending millions to very specifically NOT let me live. I’m not trying to do that to him.
Asking for “mutual tolerance” on this like running up to a bully beating a kid to death on the playground and scolding them both for not getting along. I’m not trying to dissolve Mr. Cathy’s marriage or make his sex illegal. I’m not trying to make him a second-class citizen, or get him killed. He’s doing that to me, folks; I’m just fighting back.
Bigoted Christianists like David Anderson make this argument all the time, that by giving equality to gays somehow discriminates against people like Mr. Anderson because it is Mr. Anderson’s God-Given right to hate gays and discriminate against them at any time for any reason.
Meanwhile, this is hysterical: