Romney still hasn’t nailed down his party’s nomination

Filed in National by on August 6, 2012

This is reason number 1,365 why no tax info will be released by team Romney. Until the votes are counted on the floor of the convention, Romney isn’t the GOP’s nominee for the office of the President of the United States. Therefor, Romney’s promise to divest himself of possibly objectionable investments would be scrutinized if tax returns were released.

Check it out. (warning Fox News link)

Presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised in 2007 he would shed any investments that conflicted with Republican positions on hot-button domestic and foreign policy issues. But Romney’s family trusts kept some of those holdings and repeatedly bought new ones until 2010, when they were finally sold off for more than $3 million, according to a detailed review of Romney’s financial records by The Associated Press.

Recently disclosed tax returns for three family trust funds for Romney, his wife, Ann, and their adult children show scores of trades in companies whose business operations are inconsistent with Republican Party stances that Romney favors on Iran, China, stem cell research, abortion and other issues.

The last thing Romney needs is a Christianist wildfire to breakout in Tampa. If the mood of the floor turns against Romney due to his investments in stem cell research and fetus disposal, it will be an “all bets are off” situation that Romney could not survive.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Steve Newton says:

    To make it more fun, there is actually a district court opinion floating around out there that says delegates are not actually legally bound to vote for the candidate who won their primary/caucus/whatever, which a lot of the Ron Paul folks are saying will free up their Romney first ballot/Paul forever after delegates to go with him.

    Don’t think it will happen but it will be a lot more fun to watch than the coronation in Charlotte.

  2. Republican David says:

    It is true, they not bound by law in many states.

  3. John Young says:

    Jason, As a double agent, I am surprised this is surprising to you.