Delaware Liberal

How much does John Siglar suck at being DE GOP Chair? – Part II

Celia Cohen wants to blame Christine O’Donnell, because she hates O’Donnell with a white hot hatred. I don’t get the connection between O’Donnell and the pitiful recruiting numbers Sig put up, but Celia is nice enough to collect all the numbers for us.

There is one essential a party must have to win an election. It is called a “candidate.”

Apparently this is a foreign concept to the Delaware Republicans. They have so many holes on their legislative ballot, they have all but put the General Assembly out of reach for themselves. (snip)

Check out the House of Representatives, where all 41 seats are up for election. The Republicans have failed to field candidates in 19 districts, putting the Democrats within two seats of the magic number of 21 for the majority before a vote is cast.

It is more of the same in the Senate, where all 21 seats are up for election because of redistricting. Republican candidates are nowhere to be found in eight districts, leaving the Democrats three seats shy of the magic number of 11 for the majority.

Conclusion: Sig sucks. Granted, his “product” is about as attractive as a “do it yourself head bashing bat” (handle covered in shit) but still… what a bust.

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