Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread [8.8.12]

Politico has a story on how some in the GOP are now panicking that Romney might choose Paul Ryan:

“As Mitt Romney’s vice presidential selection nears and buzz about Rep. Paul Ryan’s prospects builds, a split is emerging among Republicans about whether the choice of the House Budget chairman and architect of the party’s controversial tax and spending plan would be a daring plus for the ticket or a miscalculation that would turn a close election into a referendum on Medicare.”

“Ryan advocates… believe Romney will lose if he doesn’t make a more assertive case for his candidacy and that selecting the 42-year-old wonky golden boy would sound a clarion call to the electorate about the sort of reforms the presumptive GOP nominee wants to bring to Washington…”

“Their opposites, pragmatic-minded Republican strategists and elected officials, believe that to select Ryan is to hand President Obama’s campaign a twin-edged blade, letting the incumbent slash Romney on the Wisconsin congressman’s Medicare proposal and carve in the challenger a scarlet ‘C’ for the unpopular Congress.”

Um, GOP, we are going to tie Romney to the Ryan budget no matter who he picks, because Romney has said he supports the Ryan budget. So he owns it now. And GOP, your members in Congress voted for the Ryan budget. You own it now. The Ryan budget is the GOP budget plan. All Republicans support it. So stop being cowards about it.

Meanwhile, Claire McCaskill gets the Teabagger nutjob she wanted to face off with. She just might be reelected now.

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