Radio Wars – Mitch Crane and Glen Urquhart – Morning Drive WGMD

Filed in National by on August 13, 2012

I heard two radio spots this morning. A great one from Mitch Crane and an okay one from Urquhart.

Crane goes directly at KWS with a very well done first person testimonial by an elderly woman who resorted to calling Mitch Crane when her insurance company stiffed her after a flood. The woman first called the Insurance Commissioner, Karen Weldin Stewart, who “sided with the insurance company.” When she called Mitch Crane, he “fought for her.” It was the whole race in a tidy little 60 seconds. 1) Insurance companies are shady heels who will try to rip you off. 2) The current insurance commissioner is a lousy no good tool for the insurance industry. 3) Mitch Crane will fight for you.

This direct approach makes perfect sense since the Dem primary IS the election. I hope Crane has enough money to run this ad over, and over, and over again. Maybe we should make that happen?

Urquhart is a horrible person, but he put up a good ad. He is ignoring his primary opponent and running against the terrible “liberals” in Dover* who run everything and call all the shots. I’ve always liked the idea of ignoring the primary opponent in situations like this. The red meat loving base, otherwise known as GOP primary voters do not care about the shades of difference between Urq and his slightly less teabagy primary opponent. They want to know who is the guy that can bring the heat in November. Urquhart’s ad says ‘I am that guy.’ Granted, it uses the whacked out vocabulary and teabagistan, but I’m not the audience for the add. Whacked out teabags are.

*I’m still waiting for someone to compile the list of the all powerful liberals who run Dover with an iron fist. I think I am waiting in vain.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. george says:

    It would be nice if it were possible to add to Mitch’s spot the reason why the incumbent tool is a tool. She’s not doing it out of the kindness of her heart, not that there’s any kindness in it in the first place.

  2. Aoine says:

    Personnally I am thinking that “tool” is really the word that covers all aspects of KWS!

    Sometimes if one word does it- 2 wOrds are 2 too many

  3. whoa there Georgie girl. You are a disgusting tool yourself, for yourself and of yourself. I know about the emails you sent to the UD Provost and President and the kind of trouble you will be in if you set foot in the USA again.

    This blog allows your bullshit comments up to a point. Just stay off the personal crap, please, that you pleasure yourself with publicly.

  4. Geezer says:

    What was so personal about George’s comment?

  5. traveler says:

    By this time in the primary races, most people have made up their minds, who they will vote for. The amount of money spent on radio ads doesn’t pay out by an increase of votes for the candidate.
    If campaigns have been run in a strong grass roots fashion, that’s the best indication of winning or losing.

  6. anon says:

    Urquhart’s ad is a complete lie, he claims that he’s the “ONLY candidate, democrat or republican” who has successfully worked in the private sector. That’s BS, Andy Stayton has owned and operated successful businesses in Sussex and is a successful real estate agent. Mike Miller runs a tax business and a landscaping business that employs several people. Urquhart’s track record in Sussex as a businessman is dismal at best, to my knowledge he has NEVER built anything here and other than his campaign staff, the only job he’s created in Sussex is that of his butler.

  7. jason330 says:

    Urquhart is a horrible person and a liar. I should have been more explicit about that, but I did not record the ads, so didn’t have the citations.

  8. jpconnorjr says:

    Can the candidate provide a shred of evidence that the lady was mistreated or for that matter she even exits? Can the candidate show evidence of any specific direct contact with the Department on the alleged person’s behalf? Just askin’

  9. cassandra_m says:

    george’s comment is well within the standards of this blog, and george has been responsive to requests to tone down the rhetoric. Nancy Willing needs to go enforce her rules over at her own place.

  10. Geezer says:

    Can the commenter provide, for the first time, a shred of evidence that the incumbent deserves re-election?

  11. jason330 says:

    jpconnorjr – “first person testimonial”

    Reading. Look into it.

  12. jpconnorjr says:

    Where is there a name or something to ID the case?

  13. george says:

    Nancy, you’ve been smoking those funny cigarettes again, right?

  14. WWB says:

    I guess Urquhart’s “liberals” in Dover must include some of the GOP leadership. I have a couple of tea drinking acquaintances who tell me that Gary Simpson is a “RINO.” Their evidence for that is apparently that he has on several occasions been receptive to my concerns, and he knows I’m a Democrat!