Delaware Liberal

Great States to Live in for the Future

Gallup developed what it calls the Gallup-Healthways Wellbeing Index to try to determine the states with the best expectations for future livability. Sad to report, Delaware is not in the top 10. We are in the bottom 10, though.

This index assigns scores for 13 different metrics of future well-being (their selection), including: Full-Time Employment for an Employer; Economic Confidence Index; Job Creation Index; Supervisor Relationship; Standard of Living Optimism; City Optimism; Daily Learning; Easy Access to Clean, Safe Water; Easy Access to a Safe Place to Exercise; Obesity; Smoking; Dentist Visits; and Future Life Evaluation. The scores for each of these were averaged to determine overall ranking. 530,000 US adults were interviewed over 6 months (January til June 2012) to get the actual index rankings. The Top 10 States in Future Livability:

And then the bottom 10:

Delaware scored low or towards the middle of the pack in pretty much all of the metrics. Anyone as surprised as I am? Seriously, I thought folks were abit more optimistic than this — although I understand where people come from in some of the health statistics.

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