How much does John Sigler suck at being DE GOP chair? Number… I’ve lost count

Filed in National by on August 23, 2012

John, I’m sure you are good at fishing and a great many others things. Being the DE GOP chair just isn’t working.

This is great stuff from Celila Cohen. I think she finds the old muse when writing about how pathetic the party that backstabbed Michael Castle has become.

The short version? The DE GOP’s treasurer changed her registration to Democratic without telling anyone. That put the GOP in a jam when some papers needed to be signed.

But read it at grapevine.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. think123 says:

    Is the rumor I saw at DP true? That the DEGOP treasurer quit and switched parties?

  2. think123 says:

    Darn I did not want that to post above. What I meant to say was all bad things must come to an end. The DEGOP will rise again with regular people in charge like back in day – not these folks who are seething with contempt for their fellow Delawareans.