Delaware Liberal

Open Thread [8.25.12]

How’s your Saturday going? Looks like the editors here have all been busy today, including me. So I’m stopping in here for abit to put up an Open Thread.

Sad news — the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong died today.

In July, 1969, Armstrong commanded the Apollo team that included Aldrin and pilot Michael Collins that went to the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin descended to the lunar surface, landing in the dry Sea of Tranquility. Their lunar module touched down with about 30 seconds of fuel remaining, according to a biography.

Armstrong radioed their safe arrival back to NASA. “Houston, Tranquility Base here – the Eagle has landed”, he said. Seven hours later, he stepped out of the spacecraft and down onto the moon itself, speaking his historic words.

This event is one of the greatest memories of my life. It seemed as though the entire world came to a stop to watch this achievement. The nuns who ran my grade school were not much for TV, but they understood the history being made enough to let the schoolwork go and let us watch. And we were just rapt, amazed and proud that other humans were on the moon. Neil Armstrong became a legend and an inspiration that day.

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