Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread [8.31.12]

It is amazing to me that it is the end of August. The good news is that Fall should be here any time now. What are your plans for Labor Day weekend? Me, I’m working on the last lit drop of the season and possibly helping on a canvass.

The Case for Mitt Romney as a Serial Liar. This article inventories a bunch of work Steve Benen has done documenting the Mendacity of Mitt and challenges evangelicals to take a hard look at a candidate whose strategy to win is rooted in lying:

One of the weirder aspects of this for me is watching this unfold in the politically conservative culture of my evangelical world. The most partisan evangelical conservatives are also those most likely to rant against “relativism” and to trumpet their status as defenders of “absolute truth.” Those same folks will dismiss this post — and all 30 of Benen’s posts above — as mere partisan attacks without ever bothering to examine the 533 factual instances of Mitt’s mendacity, chronicled.

That’s the only cognitive defense they have, I guess. Jam fingers in ears and shout la-la-la-you’re-being-partisan!

Because, you see, the fact that Mitt Romney said something he knew to be false is a partisan fact. And the fact that he has done this at least 533 times in the past 30 weeks is also partisan.

And in serially breaking the 9th Commandment. Just sayin’.

The Friday Bacon! Maple Syrup, Bacon and Blueberry Bread Pudding

Yum! I’m pretty picky about Bread Pudding (as in I won’t eat much of it), but this one looks pretty tasty.

What interests you today?

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