Archive for August, 2012

So it is Ryan.

Filed in National by on August 11, 2012 1 Comment

Conservatives push Romney into a terrible choice.

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The “post-truth” era of American Democracy

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 2 Comments

The brazen willingness to lie that animates the Romney campaign raises and interesting question.

Suppose a major party candidate for president believed we were in a “post-truth” era and actually campaigned that way. Would political reporters in the mainstream press figure it out and tell us?

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Much to like in this TPM piece that name checks O’Donnell

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 3 Comments
Much to like in this TPM piece that name checks O’Donnell

What do I like the most? There is, of course, the use of O’Donnell as a synonym for Republican stupidity. There is the fact that teabag lunacy has significantly improved the odds that the Dems will hold onto their majority in the Senate, but I think the thing I like the most are the pictures. They provide the clearest proof to date that Republicans are nominating poorly disguised space alien lizards to run for office.

Seriously, I need to see the long form birth certificates for these guys.

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Friday Open Thread [8.10.12]

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on August 10, 2012 9 Comments

“At this point, joining Ryan to the ticket would be a huge gamble. Romney would be tapping into Ryan’s immense political talent, but giving up on his win-by-default strategy that has taken a beating but might look good again if, say, some international disaster craters the recovery between now and November. In any case, the conservative drumbeat for Ryan has grown so overwhelming that it’s no longer even clear that Romney could turn Ryan down for an Incredibly Boring White Guy, even if he wants to. The Republican Party belongs to Ryan.”

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Delaware Political Weekly: August 4-10, 2012

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 19 Comments

I give Bill Montgomery credit. He told the truth. Not that he hasn’t before, but it was a hard truth which will not likely benefit him politically. From the story in today’s News-Journal:

Montgomery, the former chief of staff to current Mayor James M. Baker, predicted that a 15 percent property tax hike will be needed in the next mayor’s first year, calling it a “one-and-done” revenue boost that could help stave off future rate increases as the city braces for budget deficits projected to be about $4 million in the next two fiscal years.

“I’m sorry to give you that news, but if I am your mayor, I will be seeking a double-digit tax increase, plain and simple,” Montgomery said during a candidate forum hosted by the Wilmington Rotary Club.

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QOTD — Should Republicans Speak at the DNC Convention?

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 16 Comments

TPM (via the dreaded POLITICO) reports that the DNC is thinking of including 2 or 3 moderate Republican leaders to the speaking lineup for the convention. What do you think about this idea?

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Guest Post: Westside Wilmington Mayoral Debate

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 26 Comments

This summary of the Monday 6 August Mayoral Debate focused on Wilmington’s Westside and their revitalization program was offered as a comment by Kiki to the thread I posted with notice of this event. I thought this was an excellent summary and worthy of its own post.

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Obama Ad keeps hitting Romney on tax secrecy

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 5 Comments

I love how Team Obama is using the tax secrecy issue to continue to kick Romney while he is down. Also, notice how this ad slyly revisits Harry Reid’s “0%” tax rate assertion. That is a bare knuckle beat down….daring Romney to whimper for an apology.

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Pawlenty VP shares crash on Intrade

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 3 Comments

From a high of 30, Pawlenty is now trading at 15. Someone knows something (which is the point of the futures market). The New York Times sums up the Veepstakes so:

The extended summertime silence of Mr. Romney, the Republican candidate, on his choice of a running mate has provided a new opening for social and economic conservatives to lobby for a die-hard member of their movement to join the Republican ticket.

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Eagles Win Pre-Season Opener – SUPERBOWL BITCHES!!!

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 0 Comments

Granted, I only watched the second half when our scrubs schooled Pittsburgh’s scrubs, but I liked what I saw and have complete confidence in the following prediction:

“The Eagles will win enough games to make it to the playoffs. They will then lose at home against a wildcard team that made it in with a 500 record.”

Take it to the bank!

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Occupations Don’t Work

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 4 Comments

It was true for Bush, as it has been true for centuries. Unless you are willing to be as bloodthirsty and ruthless as Rome, occupations don’t work.

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The Polling Report [8.10.12]

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 0 Comments
The Polling Report [8.10.12]

Wow. A really horrible disgusting polling day for Mittens Romney. The National polls now all show minor landslides for the President. But he has a bright spot in an inaccurate poll from Colorado that changes our map a little bit. Hey, if you only poll white old people, of course Mitt Romney leads by 5. But we also have polls from Wisconsin and Virginia, giving us good news.

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Alleged and Not Fact. In Fact, Denial.

Filed in National by on August 10, 2012 11 Comments

Almost two months ago, I wrote and published a post titled “The Alleged Contents of a Letter.” The post involved rumors surrounding a mysterious letter sent to every single member of the General Assembly containing criminal accusations against a certain elec. ted Sussex County official. I received a tip from a source that is known to me that alluded to the contents of the letter and who was behind it. I decided to go ahead and publish the tip as a rumor, and I went out of my way to specifically state, repeatedly, that I had no idea whether any of the story is true.

Most of the tip from the source was confirmed in later news stories from WGMD, WDEL and the News Journal, specifically about what the allegations were and who the elected official was. What was not confirmed, and what remains unknown to us, is who was behind the letter.

This brings me to Mr. Doug Beatty, who this year arrived on the scene that is Sussex County politics. He contemplated races against the Governor and then for the General Assembly before demurring. He contacted me yesterday issuing a strong denial, saying that he was not involved in any way in writing or sending the letter. It is only fair and responsible that I report that. Mr. Beatty felt that I had irresponsibly and unethically reported as true fact that he was indeed behind the infamous letter. I disagreed, saying I thought I had been very careful in the post to repeatedly state that I did not know for a fact whether any of the allegations were true, as you can see above. Alas, since Mr. Beatty was left with that impression, I apologize to him.

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