Archive for August, 2012

Horses lost years ago, GOP moderates now consider open barn door problematic

Filed in National by on August 1, 2012 4 Comments

There have been a surge of stories about bewildered GOP “moderates” who have recently discovered that they belong to a political party that stands for strident cluelessness and lunacy.

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The Polling Report [8.1.12]

Filed in National by on August 1, 2012 0 Comments
The Polling Report [8.1.12]

A new Gallup poll finds 66% of Americans have a favorable opinion of former President Bill Clinton, tying his record-high favorability rating recorded at the time of his inauguration in January 1993. Clinton averaged 56% approval since 1993. The Republicans must be jealous. I am sure they would like to have an overwhelmingly popular former President speaking at their convention.

Like on Monday, we have a lot of new state polls, but no state has changed sides. Rather, there is a deepening of the shades going on. Arizona goes from pink and slim Romney to dark red and Strong Romney in one poll. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania moves to the Strong Obama and the dark blue column. Ohio and Florida also have very favorable polls out this morning for the President.

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41 days until election day – The Betting Lines

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2012 43 Comments

Since the Dem primary will settle the issue for many of the races in Delaware, election day is effectively just over a month out.

September 11, 2012 Primary Election

  • Insurance Commissioner – Weldin Stewart/Crane/Others – Crane plus 1
  • Wilmington Mayoral Race – Williams/Kelley – No line yet
  • SD 1 McDowell/Brady/Martin – McDowell plus 2
  • SD 6 Miller/Frederick/Staton – Staton plus 6
  • SD 11 DeLuca/Townsend – even money
  • RD 15 Longhurst/Burton – Longhurst plus 3
  • RD 19 Dunn/Williams – even money
  • RD 23 Baumbach/Bock/Grant – No line yet
  • RD 32 McGlumphey/Bennett- even money

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Mitt Romney Is Going To Get Whiplash

Filed in National by on August 1, 2012 5 Comments

On Sunday, Mitt Romney boldly declared that Israel’s economic superiority over the Palestinians was due to its culture.
On Tuesday morning, he dismissed any notion that he had even discussed Palestinian culture.
On Tuesday night, Romney reversed himself yet again, in an op-ed entitled “Culture Does Matter.”

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What is walking distance?

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2012 3 Comments

How far do you walk? 1/2 mile, 1/4 mile, 6 minutes, 30 minutes? What is distance you will walk before you start to think that maybe driving or taking a bus makes more sense?

It turns out that walking distance has more to do with what you are looking at, and less to do with how far you need to go.

Walk Appeal promises to be a major new tool for understanding and building walkable places, and it explains several things that were heretofore either contradictory or mysterious. It begins with the assertion that the quarter-mile radius (or 5-minute walk,) which has been held up for a century as the distance Americans will walk before driving, is actually a myth.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.1.12]

Filed in Delaware by on August 1, 2012 5 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.1.12]

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