Archive for August, 2012

The Ascendant Michael D. Protack

Filed in National by on August 22, 2012 27 Comments

I had forgotten that Mike Protack was actually, once again, running for something. This year he is a Republican candidate for New Castle County Council President. This is a change in the trajectory of his political career. For before this year, he had been on a downward spiral in the office he was seeking in any given year. In 2004, he ran for Governor and lost in the Republican Primary. In 2006, he ran for the U.S. Senate and lost in the Republican Primary. In 2008, he ran again for Governor and lost at the Republican convention. In 2010, he finally lowered his sights and ran for something that even I thought he could win: a County Council seat. But he lost in the Republican Primary.

If he were to run again, I thought the next logical stop would have been Alderman or whatever similar office they have in Hockessin (or dogcatcher if they don’t). But to my surprise, Protack, ever the poker player, is upping the ante once again.

And this time, finally, at long last, after a long quioxitic journy, Michael D. Protack will be the nominee of the Republican Party for something.

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The Republican Convention: Hyprocrisy and God’s Wrath.

Filed in National by on August 22, 2012 10 Comments

The Republican Convention is next week in Tampa, Florida. On Saturday and Sunday before the start of the convention, Tropical Storm (and perhaps by then, Hurricane) Isaac will be bearing down on the GOP’s convention hall. I want to discern the symbolism of this, somehow implying that God’s wrath is being evidenced by the coincendental events. Where is Pat Robertson when you really need him? I guess I will have to settle for Dana Milbank

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The Polling Report [8.22.12]

Filed in National by on August 22, 2012 5 Comments
The Polling Report [8.22.12]

The big poll from yesterday was the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, that found that, despite Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate, the race remains unchanged. The poll found Obama leading Romney 48 to 44, but the more interesting result are that Obama leads by 22 points on the question about which candidate cares about average people. Further, the GOP’s favorability gap is -9 (36% favorable, 45% unfavorable) while the Dems are at +2 (42% favorable, 40% unfavorable). That’s not good for Republicans. These are the same numbers from prior wave years in 2006 and 2008.

Here is our new map, reflecting changes from new polls in Virginia and Wisconsin:

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.22.12]

Filed in Delaware by on August 22, 2012 2 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.22.12]

Man, it is really hard to get back into a routine. Sorry again.

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Let’s face it, Teabags are the best thing that has happened to Democrats since JFK

Filed in National by on August 22, 2012 0 Comments

Todd Akin, Richard Murdock, Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, Ken Buck, etc. etc. etc.

I’m not sad that teabags appear to be on the George Soros payroll, but I do pine for the days when Democrats won majorities on the merits of their policies.

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Romney responds to critics

Filed in National by on August 21, 2012 6 Comments

On how economic his policies will affect America’s middle class, Mitt Romney had this to say to his critics:

The middle class is asking for it. Just looks at what the middle class goes out wearing. The middle class is inciting these policies.

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Late Night Video — We’re NASA And We Know It!

Filed in National by on August 21, 2012 0 Comments

Very funny as NASA continues to take much deserved bows for the achievement of the Curiosity rover:

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Tuesday Open Thread [8.21.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 21, 2012 10 Comments

I am really confused as to why Republicans are freaking out about Akin said. What he said is the official policy stance of the Republican Party, and of its presidential ticket.

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The Republican War on Women Redux

Filed in National by on August 21, 2012 7 Comments

The Akins spectacle serves to remind women everywhere about the GOP War on Women — the one they claim isn’t happening — and further opens the curtain on the undercurrent of lies and misinformation designed to create the fear and loathing that only serves this far right wing’s destructive tendencies.  Most of the GOP — including Rmoney — is backing away from Akins in the most public way possible.  The NRSC is pulling it’s promised support as is Karl Rove’s secretive PAC.  They’ve got Artur Davis out warning the GOP that if Akins stays in, President Obama will win Missouri.  Akins is staying in the limelight with his I’m Not Quitting campaign and his I’m Sorry campaign.  Most folks are spending today trying to guess whether or not Akins will leave the race, but take a look at the groups supporting this guy.  The Family Research Council, Missouri (so-called) Right-to-Life and the Susan B. Anthony group, along with even more reminders that Akins and Paul Ryan were at the frontline to try to redefine rape.

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The Polling Report [8.21.12]

Filed in National by on August 21, 2012 5 Comments
The Polling Report [8.21.12]

I have gone through all the latest national and state polls from the past week, and they are below. In some of the states, you will see that the trend is to Romney as last week was his bounce week from his choice of Paul Ryan as the next losing Republican Vice Presidential candidate. Yet, the bounce week is over and Obama remains in a dominant position:

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [8.21.12]

Filed in Delaware by on August 21, 2012 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [8.21.12]

Sorry this is late. I am in the three day period which is commonly known as Post Vacation Syndrome, in which every minor routine task that you do everyday can only be described as painfully horrible.

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Late Night Video — Romney Flip Flops Mocked in Verse

Filed in National by on August 20, 2012 0 Comments

Dear President Obama and the DNC: If you know what’s good for you, you’d air this in its entirety during the Democratic Convention. This verse is fun and creative by Mr. Ralph Maxwell, a 92-year old Minnesotan who delivers the smackdown to Rmoney with style and grace:

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More Wilmington Mayor Debates

Filed in Delaware by on August 20, 2012 54 Comments

There are two more debates and then I think that we’re done with debates before the primary. I think that the candidates are tired of this process, but so farr, all of the debates have been really well attended — a good indicator of the level of interest in this election. So the next two:

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