Archive for August, 2012

Hannity, Coulter, Rove, Romney agree – Obama is “divisive”

Filed in National by on August 17, 2012 3 Comments

Only Colin Powell has the balls to call bullshit on this idiotic GOP talking point.

Hannity: (blah, blah blah usual wing-nut horseshit..) because I find him one of the most divisive figures that I’ve witnessed in politics today.

POWELL: Well, that’s a term that’s being used rather freely. I don’t think it’s that divisive of an issue. I think we have right now, we have dueling points of view strongly held by both sides. And the president is starting to go to the mattresses, just as the Republicans are going to go to the mattresses to try to win the election.

What could have been more divisive than when President Obama was inaugurated for a number of Republicans, friends of mine and a number of commentators to say, we are going to destroy him. We are going to destroy him.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [8.17.12]

Filed in Delaware by on August 17, 2012 2 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [8.17.12]

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Late Night Video — What Fox News Looks Like to a Brit

Filed in National by on August 16, 2012 1 Comment

This is the scathing and inestimable Charlie Brooker, taking on the sheer stupidity of Fox News from the perspective of a citizen of the UK. Brooker is a journalist himself, with some other great commentaries to his name. This is about 6 and a half minutes long.

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Fetal position defense removed from Dems playbook

Filed in National by on August 16, 2012 3 Comments

Amen to all of this and it is about effing time.

Dana Milbank:

Forgive me, but I’m not prepared to join this walk down Great Umbrage Street just yet. Yes, it’s ugly out there. But is this worse than four years ago, when Obama was accused by the GOP vice presidential nominee of “palling around with terrorists”? Or eight years ago, when Democratic nominee John Kerry was accused of falsifying his Vietnam War record?What’s different this time is that the Democrats are employing the same harsh tactics that have been used against them for so long, with so much success. They have ceased their traditional response of assuming the fetal position when attacked, and Obama’s campaign is giving as good as it gets — and then some.

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The swiftboating of the President has begun

Filed in National by on August 16, 2012 3 Comments

I saw a bit of the sham “documentary” last night. The game-plan is to try and drive down Democratic, while juicing GOP turnout through shameless lies.

WASHINGTON — In a direct attack on one of President Obama’s political strengths, a group of former special operations and C.I.A. officers started a campaign on Tuesday night accusing Mr. Obama of recklessly leaking information about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and other security matters to gain political advantage.

The new group, called the Special Operations Opsec Education Fund, using shorthand for “operational security,” describes itself as nonpartisan, but some of its leaders have been involved in Republican campaigns and Tea Party groups. A 22-minute video called “Dishonorable Disclosures” featured on its Web site appears to be aimed squarely at the president, echoing charges made previously by Mitt Romney and other Republicans.

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Thursday Open Thread [8.16.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on August 16, 2012 8 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [8.16.12]

It’s Thursday and I’m looking for excuses to play hooky tomorrow. First in line as an excuse is a road trip to Philly to go get one of DNic’s roast pork sandwiches — DiNic’s was named America’s Best Sandwich by Adam Richman on the Travel Channel. Who else wants to go?

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Wilmington Mayor Debate — WHYY Event

Filed in Delaware by on August 16, 2012 12 Comments

WHYY hosted their debate featuring the Democratic primary contenders for Wilmington Mayor Tuesday night (8/14) at U of D. This debate was the culmination of a process where WHYY hosted multiple forums around the city to get input from people in the city as to what questions they would specifically want candidates to address. The actual debate was about an hour long, maybe a little more because of some technical glitch at the beginning. The venue was maybe 60% full, with little pockets of each candidate’s partisans.

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Filed in National by on August 16, 2012 6 Comments

Look. Carper is going to coast back into the Senate for another 6 years and be just the big a-hole lackey for the 1% that he has always been. That is a given, so can we at least have a little fun with our foreknowledge of events?

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27 Days to go – The Betting Lines

Filed in National by on August 16, 2012 29 Comments

Since the Dem primary will settle the issue for many of the races in Delaware, election day is effectively a month out.

September 11, 2012 Primary Election

New Castle County Executive – Clark/Gordon Gordon plus 1 (no previous line)
Gordon just seems to want it a little more and that could make the difference. I’m writing in “Tom Kovach” because I can’t bring myself to vote for either of these d-bags.

Insurance Commissioner – Weldin Stewart/Crane/Others Crane plus 1 (no change)

I really haven’t seen much from team KWS, and Crane is running a great race. Still in a multi-way primary against an incumbent, you can’t make Crane anything but a slight favorite. …

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [8.16.12]

Filed in Delaware by on August 16, 2012 4 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [8.16.12]

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Late Night Video — Hey White Guys

Filed in National by on August 15, 2012 0 Comments

This was on dKos some days back and thought I’d post it up here as a shout-out to Colin Flaherty as he is barricaded in his undisclosed location waiting for the RACE RIOT.

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NCCo Executive Debate — WDEL

Filed in Delaware by on August 15, 2012 63 Comments

There is a debate tonite between the Democratic contenders for NCCo Executive. This is hosted by WDEL and the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce at the NCCo Chamber Building located at 12 Penns Way, New Castle, DE 19720. Don’t know if this is open to the public, but WDEL is broadcasting this live from 6 until 7:30.

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Support Clean Energy Victory Bonds

Filed in National by on August 15, 2012 3 Comments

This is a great idea to get interested citizens to invest in transitioning to cleaner, more secure energy sources.

Clean Energy Victory Bonds

In the same spirit that Americans invested in WWII Victory Bonds to support the war effort, CEVBs will provide a channel for Americans to mobilize toward the goal of a globally competitive clean technology industry and domestic energy security.

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