Delaware Liberal

Things I Learned from the GOP Convention

Mitt Romney had a little get together in Florida this week with some of his closest angry white friends. From this convention, I learned a few things about the Republican Party. Okay, maybe not learned them, maybe I just had the ideas reinforced.

  1. Republicans believe in the individual rights. I cannot stress how important this is to the GOP base. “Damn it, I can do what I want when I want and no government bureaucrat can tell me otherwise.” Except in the case if you have a uterus, then those pesky government bureaucrats have free reign. Long live individual rights (unless you are a woman)!
  2. Republicans believe in America – the United States is Number One (Numero Uno in 2016). Republicans believe that the United States is so great they want to invest their money here, but if they can get a better deal in say a Communist country, that’s even better. So, I learned that Republicans money is not patriotic.
  3. The Republicans don’t know how to run a presidential campaign anymore. I don’t know what happened and why they’ve pushed Karl Rove out to pasture, but that dude could kick some serious ass. So the convention is over and people of the United States are not talking about whatever Marco Rubio said in his introduction of the GOP candidate or what Mitt Romney said in his speech. No, America is talking about an old man and an empty chair. The national GOP is slowly becoming as inconsequential as the Delaware GOP.
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