Anticipating Biden’s Speech

Filed in National by on September 5, 2012

I know most people will be tuning in tonight to hear the big dog, Bill Clinton. I get that. Clinton is great at this and he is going to rip the roof off the building. Clinton is the summer blockbuster that is over-hyped, but STILL delivers the goods.

But Biden’s Thursday night speech is the speech I’m looking forward to. For his somewhat goofy public persona, Joe Biden is often a Democratic secret weapon. He penned the “GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead” line and he single handedly knocked Rudy Giuliani out of the GOP primary race 4 years ago with his “noun-verb-9/11” dissection of Giuliani’s talking points.

If Clinton is summer blockbuster, Biden is the smart and sneaky low budget independent that people are still quoting years later.

Also – Jack Markell at 8:00 tonight.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    In other convention news, we all know that the Republican Klan meeting in tampa was an absolute debacle – but just look at Gallup twisting the knife.

    Romney Gets No Bounce From Last Week’s GOP Convention

    Mitt Romney received no convention bounce, based on Gallup Daily tracking before (47%) and after (46%) last week’s Republican National Convention. He joins John Kerry and George McGovern as nominees who did not get a bounce.

    Kerry and McGovern… YOWZA! I think I just heard Rusty Dils sobbing.

  2. Miscreant says:

    I’m also anticipating Joe’s speech, although for entirely different reasons. His blunders may make a good drinking game.

  3. Rusty Dils says:

    The distance between the two parties has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. I remember after Reagan and Bush Sr, The country had had republicans running the show for a while. And I remember watching a prominate democrate women at the 1992 Democratic National Convention(I don’t remember who she was), saying that their party (the Democrats), had to change, had to stop offering to give everyone everything for free, That was not working anymore, and they had to move to the center. At that time, 20 years ago I remember thinking that I did not see that big of difference in the two parties. I was 34 years old. At that time I barely knew who Bill Clinton was, lets keep in mind that Bill was one of the first Democrats in Modern years to champion Women’s Rights. (Although, what he championed was actually the right of every and all Women to have relations with him). Back then, I looked at the parties as more of labor vs business. But that has all changed. The republicans are for conservative principals, including reigning in government spending, growing the private sector for both employers and employees, and the Democrats are all about growing government. This is what Mitt Romney was talking about when he announced his candidacy for President, he said we are almost at the point where we cease to become a free market. What he meant by that, is once the government, and all the people on the government tit, reaches 50%, plus one vote, then we cease to be a free market. Government employees and all the people dependent on the government will just re elect their leaders so the leaders will dole out more goodies for them. Never understanding that this system cannot possible perpetuate. At this stage of the game, the parties are as far apart as I have seen them in my life time. Did you see all the sellout speeches last night. Many many many contradictions. Most hispanics never talk about gay rights. But now that our President has embraced gay marriage, the Democrat hispanic leaders are jumping on the band wagon, and saying they are also for it. When in fact, that is a lie, and their culture is strongly against it. If you doubt me, I was born and raised in El Paso Texas, on the border, approximate hispanic population of 75%. A high percentage of my friends and customers are hispanic. I know what I am talking about. But the Democrat hispanic leaders are so anxious for their leader to be re elected, that they are selling out their principals. Look at the speech from the Mayor on San Antonio, Castro, even he was selling out. But, Liberals don’t care. They dont care one iota. Last night, Michelle Obama said that the government should not have any rights with regards to controlling a womens body, (Of course referring to the womens right to abortion) Yet in parade magazine, she said if her husband gets a second term, she wants to restrict what foods grocery stores can offer to the public, (no salts or fats). So she thinks it is ok for the government to restrict your food intake, but it is not ok to restrict whether you murder your innocent child. How backwards and contradictory is that. But Liberals don’t care. Now, back to slick willy, who will be speaking tonight, his wife was in Egypt a few months ago, trying to help stabilise that area, but the people were chanting Monica, Monica, Monica, of course they would. They don’t respect a country who sends someone like that over there. We have lost are respect around the world, But Michelle Obama says we improved it. But, liberals don’t care. I wonder if Bill Clinton’s speech tonight will cover all the Women;s lives he touched over the years,(literally) maybe he will bring the two pornstars he was pictured with a couple of months ago, to help him speak.

  4. SussexAnon says:

    I am sure there is a point in there somewhere.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I’m not so sure.

  6. puck says:

    The distance between the two parties has changed dramatically

    Republicans have been wildly successful in pushing Democrats so far to the right they are now passing Republican policies. You got your Iraq war. You got the damn tax cuts extended, and you got a gush of Federal dollars headed toward your beloved private insurance companies and their investors. You’ve got Democratic congressmen leading the charge for cuts to social insurance, and corporate money is now free speech. You have all that and you want to win elections too? Relax and enjoy your policy victories. Winning elections isn’t all it’s cracked up to be; just ask a Democrat. Losing elections sucks, but not so much for Republicans.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    I wouldn’t look too hard, Rusty is a noted cryptographer. Even he doesn’t understand himself sometimes.

  8. pandora says:

    Oh wow, just struggled through Rusty’s comment. Republicans are really freaking out.

  9. X Stryker says:

    I skimmed Rusty’s nonsense to get to the point:

    “Monica, Monica, Monica”

    So in case you were wondering, Clinton’s ability to balance the budget has no Republican response other than “Blowjobs!”.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    How can you tell from that word salad? Maybe he is having Sarah Palin withdrawal since it looks like she has been well and truly canned from Fox.

  11. Linda says:

    Oh yeah . . . this definitely qualifies you as an expert . . . LMAO

    “If you doubt me, I was born and raised in El Paso Texas, on the border, approximate hispanic population of 75%. A high percentage of my friends and customers are hispanic. I know what I am talking about.”

  12. cassandra_m says:

    And now for something different — the Pew Research Center asked people for one word to describe Joe Biden and the top two words were ‘Good’ and ‘Idiot’.

  13. X Stryker says:

    Rusty, you call supporting gay marriage “selling out”. I call it progress. Remember all the southern churches that would not allow blacks and Hispanics to join, citing Deuteronomy as justification? Remember how viciously southern christian conservatives opposed Loving v Virginia? Progress. They were wrong then, they’re wrong now, but in 40 years gays marriage will be an unchallenged, widely accepted constitutional right and southern christian conservatives will be wrong about something completely different.

  14. X Stryker says:

    Also gosh, which upsets Latinos more: gay marriage or Republicans who are trying to take away their right to vote and arrest them for not carrying their birth certificate everywhere they go?