Delaware Liberal

Anticipating Biden’s Speech

I know most people will be tuning in tonight to hear the big dog, Bill Clinton. I get that. Clinton is great at this and he is going to rip the roof off the building. Clinton is the summer blockbuster that is over-hyped, but STILL delivers the goods.

But Biden’s Thursday night speech is the speech I’m looking forward to. For his somewhat goofy public persona, Joe Biden is often a Democratic secret weapon. He penned the “GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead” line and he single handedly knocked Rudy Giuliani out of the GOP primary race 4 years ago with his “noun-verb-9/11” dissection of Giuliani’s talking points.

If Clinton is summer blockbuster, Biden is the smart and sneaky low budget independent that people are still quoting years later.

Also – Jack Markell at 8:00 tonight.

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