Delaware Liberal

“After I get mine, no more for them.”

“After I get my government support, no more government support for them.”

“After I get my student loan, no more student loans for them.”

“After I have my free speech, no more free speech for them.”

“After I get my abortion, no more abortions for them.”

As a conservative, every benefit that flows to me I have earned. I am owed what I get because I am one of the good ones. Every dime that goes to one of them is a stolen dime, because they came to their difficult situation because of their low character.

It is sad but not surprising that the conservative mentality has manifest itself so neatly in Sher Valenzuela. In the conservative mind, there is no double standard. There is no cognitive dissonance when they take government money on Monday and heap scorn on people who accept government money on Tuesday. There is no twinge of self-awareness because it could not be more clear to them that their privileges accrue to the good and punishments are doled out to the wicked.

The fact is, life is tough for both good and bad people from time to time. Good people sometimes have unwanted pregnancies and bad people sometimes prosper.

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